The private side of success

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Whenever you see a successful person you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them. ~Vaibhav Shah

I think it is easy to see a successful person and make many assumptions about that success. We might have a whole host of ideas about that person and their success.

What we don't see if the frustration they experience. We don't see the hours spent at the grindstone to create that success. We don't see the time spent away from family and friends. We don't see the sweat. We don't see the tears. We only see the end result.

Think about that the next time you try to rush success thinking it should be quick and automatic. Ask any successful person at WA if it took work or if it was all just luck and quick returns. Ask if they had times of sorrow and times of questioning if they should even bother to continue.

I don't know what the answer would be, but I can speculate that those who have found moderate to great success through WA have sacrificed to get that success.

Success comes in many forms—not just financial success. For one, it may be making money for another it might be the freedom to create something from nothing.

For me, it is more the second thing because I haven't made much money yet. That will come. But for now I feel success with the freedom to create my sites with quality content and wisdom from years of experience. I feel that same creative expression when I write stories.

Like writing the children's book—which, by the way—I finished on Monday! I currently have it in the hands of several people who will give me their honest opinions about it and help me to make it better.

What is your definition of success? When do you feel successful? How do you know?

I hope you all have a great start to the weekend tomorrow. For me, I will be at workout the day job in the morning and then doing the work I love in the afternoon and evening! I can hardly wait!


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Repetition and hard work with a huge dose of flexibility can lead to success. Years ago, I knew a basketball player who mostly sat on the bench with the Boston Celtics. He would shoot 4 or 5 hundred shots a day to keep his edge. To me, he was always an inspiration.

That is awesome. Even though he wasn't a main player, he still honed his skill every single day! I read every day to keep my brain—hopefully—sharp! Since words are my life, I feel that is the most important exercise I can do!

Karin 😎

Hi Karin

I agree with your assessment. 👍

I’ve enjoyed the challenges that have led to various successes in my life.

How boring would life become if everything was easy? 😎

Frank 🎸

You got that right! I saw a Twilight Zone (or something along those lines) where this guy died and went down. His personal hell was that he always won in gambling. There was absolutely no fun in it at all because he always won. It was something like that, but the point was clear...too much of a good or easy thing is not good!


Haha, I always loved the Twilight Zone. 😎

Frank 🎸

Me too! "There's some thing on the wing!"


Yeah, that was a great one! 😎

Congrats on your book Karin!


Thanks, Mel. Now the hard part will come—editing and marketing!


Actually, Mel. If I remember correctly, you were the one who really introduced me to Amazon publishing. So thank you for that!


You are most welcome Karin!

Its given me the freedom to live on the other side of the planet.


Nice writing. Success comes with sacrifices for getting there.
I’m sure your children’s book is going to be great.

Thanks! I sure plan for it to be so. Time will tell.


Thank you, Karin, for defining success in its true sense. It should not be narrowed to getting Money, in excess!! Even the meaning of the word "success", whose one of the synonyms is "victory" suggests that there must be challenges along the way. Believe it or not, no one is immune to challenges.

Congratulations for completing your book. Continue to climb this ladder. The good thing about the ladder, it does not promote looking backwards. Have a refreshing weekend.

Thank you, Joseph. I appreciate your kind comments!


You are welcome, Karin. Wishing you a refreshing weekend and a successful week ahead

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