Sold six books and created several new posts

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Just a short post to share some more of the activity I have been up to. I hope it inspires you to reach of your goals even if it is slow going!

Because I am nearing retirement (If I retire at age 62 I have three and a half years left of the day job) I need to bust my—something!

I am working on my marketing strategy for my books and am updating another one that I wrote in 2019. I have also been pouring a lot of time into my author site. A very dear person here at WA gave me priceless advice (Thank you, Catherine!).

Don't ever think that what you are doing here goes unnoticed! And please do not think that others on this platform are unwilling to help! I am awestruck by the thoughtfulness.

Anyway, I have now sold 6 books. It's not making me rich yet, but it is making me happy! I hope that the people who have ordered the books are helped and inspired by them! I was helped and inspired in creating them!

It is currently 1:30 a.m. where I live. I am still up because I didn't get home from work until late and then my granddaughter gave me a one hour "concert." In other words, she sang to me for an hour. She put her heart and soul into it and worked up a sweat! What a special girl!

I couldn't tell her no. She is my pride and joy. I often have to put work first, but she is part of the reason that I work until 1:30 in the morning. Because I want to give her a great life! And sometimes that means taking off an hour and listening to her sing her little heart out!

In addition to the two new book sales, I also have written at least one new post for my four websites each week. Yesterday I wrote three posts. Today only one.

But one is better than none!

If you want to succeed, pour your heart and soul into your work!

I better get to bed! I have a lot to be grateful for but I need to sleep so I don't get crabby!

Until next time,


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Recent Comments


Karin, this is great!! The numbers will grow as your grand daughter grows. Keep that relationship as you enjoy one another. Have a nice day.

Thank you, Joseph. I will definitely keep the relationship with my granddaughter! She means the world to me as do my other grandchildren. She simply has a special piece of my heart because of raising her since she was 5 months old.

Take care. Hope you have a great day!


Thank you very much, Karin. A especial day, with more orders of your books. All the best for your grand daughter.

Thanks again! I had another mini concert tonight! She sure loves to sing!


Please nurture that talent.

Congratulations on selling your books. Family does come first, but it’s good you went the extra mile. I bet you slept better for it.

I did sleep well—when I finally went to bed. It always makes my day when she performs a "concert" for me! This is how she bonds with me. She doesn't do these impromptu concerts for anyone else! 😌

Hope you have a wonderful day!


You're doing great Karin!


Thanks, Mel! Sounds like you are, as well!

Take it easy and hope you have a great day!


You are most welcome Karin!


Thanks Karin for sharing your story. It's good to hear that even though you're very busy, you still take the time to listen and enjoy your granddaughter's singing no matter the time.

It's true that family and loved ones always come first. As for your business progress, congratulations with your sales so far. I am just starting with my websites, and I hope that when I retire, I still can support my family.

Thank you again for sharing.

Thanks, Polenia. Yes, that young lady always gets first priority. She is so precious to me. I've been raising her since she was 5 months old. She is like my own child.

I am hoping that, like you, I will be able to continue to support my family with the income I can make from my websites and books. If I were to retire at 62—if social security still exists—I couldn't even pay my electric bill!

I wish you the very best as you move forward. If ever I can be of assistance to you, please let me know.


Outstanding work Karin,
Book sales sounds like a really good thing to do as i presume you get to keep 100% of the commission :-)

Keep pushing and stay consistent

Thank you, Pete. I do get to keep 100% after the cost of printing and Amazon's share. I actually do better with the e-books because there is no print cost involved. So where I make a $ or 2 for the paperback I make over $2 for the e-book even if it is priced much lower!

I also signed up for Kindle Direct (I think that is what it is called) because then if people who are signed up for that through Amazon even read a page of my book I get a little income. It hasn't happened yet, but I am hopeful! đŸ€“

Thanks for your encouragement! Have a great day!


Fantastic news, Karin!

Quite inspirational, too.

There are many of us here in this community who can offer sage advice, and help you with just about anything!

All you need to do is ask!


Thanks, Rudy. It is so awesome to have people reach out to help. It is equally awesome when you ask for help and someone responds usually very quickly!

Take care and keep on keeping on!


You're welcome.


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