Happy Canada Day 2024

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To all my Canadian neighbors. I hope you all have a blessed and wonderful Canada Day!

I'm in Minnesota so about a 5 hour drive and I'm there! I've had dreams about visiting Canada so maybe this year will be the year I can make that trip.

In other news...

I finished up the Kindle classes and they were absolutely amazing. I learned SO much! I can hardly wait to get going with all the prompts for ChatGPT and all the other things. We learned advertising prompts and tips and writing tips and so much more. I know I am gushing a bit, but it was absolutely incredible and just what I needed!

Honestly, never be afraid to learn more. There is so much I can also incorporate into my blogs and more!

I am off to the day job but with all that is going on, I am hoping not for more than another year! I know I have said that before in posts on here, but I am thinking that things are really coming together now!

Hope you all have a great week!


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Happy Canada, Day!


Thanks. Jeff!


You bet, Karin!


Many years ago, we took a weekend and via Upper Michigan crossed into Canada and spent the night. Watched Star Trek: Next Generation in French. A short, but enjoyable trip and adding another country to those that I have visited.


I had a great response written out and then my internet went caputsky and well. . . Anyway. I hope to visit there this year.


Thanks for sharing Karin!


Happy Canada Day to all those in the WA team!!

While at Niagra Falls a few years ago, we walked across the Rainbow Bridge with our passports and viewed the falls from the Canadian side, which I think is a more beautiful view.

We did not want to go through the hassle of trying to get our RV into Canada, given that it is our full-time home.

Otherwise, I think driving across the Canadian border is a pretty simple thing with the right credentials. You will enjoy Canada—there is lots to see!

Thanks Howard. I'll tell you the same thing I told Mel. I had a nice detailed response and then my Internet went out. It's been a battle all day. It makes me sad and angry because I NEED the Internet to do my work. I'm currently using the hotspot on my phone to access the internet. UGH...

Well, it is a minor setback and I will push along!


Hi Karin!

Sorry to hear of your internet troubles! As full time RVers we also need reliable internet access all the time. We found Starlink a few years back and it has been flawless.

Maybe that might work for you?

Maybe. I don't know. I use Spectrum currently and it is usually fairly reliable but today it has been awful. It started getting bad yesterday and has quickly progressed to worse today.


I hope their customer service department can help you!

Yes me too. Actually it is working great this morning!


Happy Canada Day! Have a blessing day!

Thank you!


Happy Canada Day, Karin! have a great day ahead!



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