Feeling a bit overwhelmed?

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Whenever I start to feel overwhelmed, I have found that taking a pause, taking a breath and taking a break can often stop the feeling of overwhelm.

When we pause what we are doing it could be just stopping. It could take other forms, like getting up and going to another room or on a walk.

When we breathe, we refresh our minds. Take deep, deliberate breaths—breathing deep in and exhaling fully.

When we take a break from what is overwhelming us, it can help. Just don't make it a permanent break!

I know some of us have taken breaks from WA in the past. I did. Not on purpose, but nevertheless it was a break.

I am so glad I came back, though. The new things here are amazing, the word credits to help me formulate my thinking has helped calm some of the overwhelm, as well. Having an outline to work from, or even the AI generated post that I can improve upon are so very helpful.

The HUBS are absolutely priceless to me. I have clarification on topics and keywords and this has helped so much. It has made my research for topics so much easier. I still have a ways to go, but I am feeling more confident than ever that I will be able to meet my goals with my websites.

Goal 1: Help other people find clarity either with a life issue or through finding Wealthy Affiliate to help them reach financial goals and dreams.

Goal 2: To make the kind of living that will support my grandchildren to be able to do what they want to do whether it be college or to start their own business or even move to Alaska which my grandson wants to do! I want to be able to support their dreams. Of course, I will be going to Alaska with him! He has our house all planned out!

I was a bit discouraged the other day, but I realized something. I realized that some people are feeling that overwhelm and when there is a place for them to vent their frustrations, they will do it with no thought to how it might make others feel.

After I realized that, I put my discouragement to rest and moved on!

I have taken a step back to pause. I have taken my deep, deliberate breaths and I took a break from this and focused on selling ads for my newspaper job.

And now?

Now, I am ready for making some progress on my website, so here I go!

Have a great rest of the week!


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We all need some rest time Karin. Refresh the mind, soothe those nerves and start again.

Yes. We do. Some of us are too stubborn to do it though. I know. I used to be that way. I would go to the point of exhaustion. Now... I take those breaks and it has been a life saver.


Taking breaks is good whenever we need to, Karin.

Have a great rest of the week!

Myra ♥️

Thanks, Myra. Hope yours goes well, too!


Taking breaks is good for the soul


Hope all is well!


Hi Karin

It’s always a good idea to take a break when we feel we need one. 😎

Frank 🎸

That's the truth! Why do I always feel I need one right when I am in the middle of something big? LOL


Haha, that's just the nature of things, Karin! 😎

Frank 🎸

Occasionally the venting we often do here is mistaken for how we feel forever, not just for a short while. I think that sometimes communicating with others with similar interests is a great sounding board to clearify how we really think or feel.

Moving forward is important, and overwhelm with life can make forward seem impossible. As writers we are merely turning the thoughts and ideas that come to us over and examining them and checking them out. Then we can see with new eyes and get back to it.
Best wishes as you get going again,

Thanks for your input, Sami. I know I vent, as well. I don't always consider other people's thoughts or feelings when I do it, either. I love WA and the people here and have come to realize that not everyone thinks the same. We may all have similar goals, but the way we go about achieving them is different, too.

Thanks for your words. I take them to heart. Very thoughtful.


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