Busy AND Productive

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I have been so busy the past couple of weeks. I have been fueled by determination, coffee and energy drinks. Not the best combination for a type 2 diabetic, but necessary for the past couple of weeks to get everything done!

So much to do. I have reduced my blogging schedule to 2 posts every other day. Still, that ends up being about 8 posts per week. (I wanted to keep doing 2 posts a week for each of the 4 blogs I maintain). Eight is much more manageable than 14!

I have continued to watch the traffic increase on both the Facebook posts as well as a nearly 200% increase in traffic on two of my blog websites! This is exciting and I look forward to starting a regular system of monetization strategies.

Since I last posted, I have also begun a business Pinterest account. I have only shared a couple of pins so far, but I am looking forward to sharing more and growing my community that way.

Oh, by the way, I have been sharing other people's Facebook posts and have gained a few followers from that as well as an increase in traffic from their likes and shares!

I am also taking a couple of writing classes currently, so that also keeps me very busy and productive.

In one of the courses I will be learning how to do mini courses to go along with non-fiction writing. For example, Let's say I write a give-away e-book on creative writing. Then I could offer the mini-course as a for-pay add on to the e-book. Doing courses often will make you even more of an authority in your chosen niche.

I am also going to offer a previous e-book that was on Amazon as a free e-book and have that point readers to Wealthy Affiliate. I had a few of them printed so I will also use those printed ones as give-aways at the in-person course I will be doing soon with the help of my friend who is the coordinator for aging services in the county where I live. (That simply means she connects senior citizens to services in the area. I will be a "service" by offering them a way to potentially build an income from affiliate marketing).

My granddaughter has been helpful in giving me time to write and do things. Of course I had to bribe her with the promise of buying a farm once we start making money. She totally believes in me! It almost brings a tear to my eye. She is so confident that I will succeed! That makes me not only fight to succeed but gives me the confidence to believe in myself!

I have seen what others have done not only through affiliate marketing but also through writing and I know I can do it, too!

And so can you! Just keep at it. Find out what works for you and then pour yourself into it!

Until next time!


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Recent Comments


Commitment and dedication is all you. You are very close to accelerated success. You deserve it because you are making it happen. You will need to show us the blueprints of your soon to be farm...lol...no really.
Thank you for your continuous blog posts because you know how to push us to work harder towards our goals.

I will happily show the farm blueprints!

Have a great rest of your week!


Hi Karin!

Have you found that the AI writer in WA has helped you create content that ranks better and that has improved your website traffic?

Hi Howard,

Honestly, it's maybe 50-50. I use the AI writer, but find I have to change quite a bit and add a lot. It gives me a good outline and a start but I can't judge if it is getting better traffic than the old fashioned way!

I do know that it does save me some time and that is a good thing. When I let AI choose the headline and keywords they do seem to get indexed faster!


Thanks, Karin!

That's what I have been seeing too.

I do notice with my new AI-created content process (which includes heavy editing ) that my posts index in less than 24 hours every time.

AI plus Grammarly does help me write better, and I think Google still looks for not only engaging content but quality content that is grammatically correct.

Have a great and productive day!!

Agreed. I will often run articles through ChatGPT asking it to fix any spelling, grammar or punctuation errors but to change nothing else. Then I ask it to tell me what it changed. While it is often very minimal, if I am tired it can be a lot of spelling errors!

Hope you're having a great day!


Hi Karin, I was knocking on the door of Type 2 as well, so that was the first major life change I made about 10 weeks ago, I am now 30Lb lighter, and really feel the difference, then about 6 weeks ago joined WA, and the success is starting to show here too, keep at it

That is awesome! How did you lose the weight? That is one of my biggest issues—how to lose the weight. I've lost about 20 pounds over the past 6 months but need to lose a lot more for the real impact to take effect.

Glad you are seeing successes here with your business, too!


I like how you're keeping busy and productive, Karin!

Keep up the great work!

Myra ♥️

Thanks, Myra. It isn't always easy, but I just keep plugging away.


Thank is very good of you. Being busy is the best way to spend life. It is very good to hear that your partner in business is cooperative. Keep it up Karin. Your success is our inspiration.
Have a great day.

Thanks, Joseph. Yes, I sure could not do this is my granddaughter wasn't all in with me and the goals. I have to make the sacrifice worth it!

I hope you are having a great week!


Yes, I am having a busy one, too. Clearing Postgraduate students and also working on the content on my site. But I do not complain. Thank you for the support.

Glad to help. 😎


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