The Call To Action
Watching the count down to how many days/hours/minutes I had to sign on as a "Premium Member" at a special rate I realized something. That count down means more than just saving some money should one choose to upgrade. It is a count down to beginning something new, to starting a new journey, a kind of challenge to begin, a call to action! It is that small, quiet nudging voice that is asking you, "When is that right time?"
I have known that I wanted to do something like this, blogging, affiliate marketing and such, but had yet to move ahead with it. There are so many people out there, who would be interested in what I have to say? Do I even have the words and drive to put something out there that would be of any interest to people? I am in the process of making so many changes in my life right now, is this a good time? But I know that these kinds of questions can be sabotaging and keep me from just doing it. So I clicked the "upgrade" link and well, here I am. Yes, I worry that I will not succeed, but I worry more about not trying. And what if I can do this? I mean, REALLY do this and make a success with it. Maybe make some money and grow as a person. Challenging myself to do something new, to take a risk, to educate and build myself up and to meet new, like minded people, isn't that what life is all about?
So today I take that first BIG step. I took the baby step already just by joining as a free member and getting started. But well, this feels different. And it feels good.
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Congrats on going premium Juli! These are your first steps, and you've got an awesome journey ahead of you here at WA. Now you can PM me if you have any questions, and don't forget there's a webinar coming up on Friday!
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Reminds me of when I wanted to change my career...I was more worried about what if I get to the end of life and regret NOT having made the plunge.
Go big or go home, as they say :-)