Up Front And Honest


Hello WA Community People. Well here I go who has received payments???

I have paid monthly for a few months and I can see the top getting richer. Will someone help me to make my first payment on the Internet.

I would like real emotional intelligence of success and not the general broad responses with no detail.

How many people in WA are and have made money?

How many people have not made a cent?

I may have to do a poll of WA people. The learning and details keeps it interesting and stepping out of my comfort zone big time.

I deserve to have abundance and prosperity. I am a beautiful caring loyal smiling person that will continue to shine and help others.

Giddy up horses.

Melbourne Cup Race that stops a nation.

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Sorry haven't gone a money winner yet but I'm trying to get my website up and running and then hopefully start to make some revenue. Good post by the way it can be frustrating at times. Upwards on onwards

Thanks for your response. I am going through the journey and learning heaps. Best wishes to your success.

Good morning and I can understand your thinking but this is some that takes time and first you have to build a good website with your own name and have it easy to get around and a sort of fun site as well and once you are happy with your site you can then learn to add products by affiliate marking - I am now three weeks and still getting to this point but will get there please look at my site PerKune.com and tell me what you think
Best regards Paul

Your website and graphics are good and very appealing. I am sure all the Audiophiles out there will be interested. Good Luck.

Truly put.
Me, I have not made money from this website as of yet.
I .. need to move my site from here to my own domain.
I am only here to learn the system and how to get traffic.
Once I have that, I am on the move to earn some $$.
There are people here , other than Kyle and Carson , who are doing quite well. It took time.
So, develop your site and experience and also will see how to do this.
Ask all kinds of questions. Some of us have answers, some of us will research and find answers for you.
Reason why I am still in the low 100's, is that I try to answer as many questions as possible and post blogs that will motivate and help others to realize their dream and vision. I have much to improve on fo myself. and I am constantly learning.
So, Fear not.

Wow thank you for your honesty and feedback. Yes I am learning heaps and I'm hoping that will lead to something bigger and brighter. If I require assistance I will ask away. Thanks for helping others and greatly appreciated. Enjoy your day

I've only been here a month and have not made any money yet, but I keep trying to improve my website and get referrals. It is frustrating and we all want to be successful. I believe we will get there. From what I have read it takes 3-6 months on average, so I am going to give it at least that. Don't give up Jules.

Thank you for your honesty.
I'm giving it a go and I'm working on making my business successful. All the very best and you will succeed as well.
On ya matey!

In the back of my mind I am asking the same questions. Mostly I feel because of being a complete virgin to any kind of business in this area. I know enough to know it can work, but learning enough so that it makes enough sense to know how is the key. I don't believe any of us can get there without spending time. Would be nice with some of us that have really busy schedules due to our current job & Family, that we could pick a set time, and be able to actually sit down with some one who can really show us step by step where it is easier to understand. I might be speaking out of line, and that as I go further, that help might be there, and is already in place. Julesrules keep pressing on.

Go to the live video classes. All of Jay's Friday night WAbinars are archived there and give you so many great tutorials and wonderful "how to"things you can watch over and over again until you have it mastered. Below is a link to wonderful Video tutorials. You can work at your leisure. These are very well done and you can watch them as much as you like. It is as close to a personal mentor as you can get. We do these every Friday night at 8pm Eastern Time. Jay is from Canada… He is an amazing helpful experienced member. He has a large marketing business as well as lots of affiliate sites.


Thankyou so much. WA rocks!!!

ispthn77… Jay does it step by step live. At the end, viewers get to ask questions. I don't think the question/answer part is there, but the lesson is. I would suggest that you watch those that are there for 2014 & 2015… Before that time frame, the technology may have changed a bit on some processes. This is something that will work with any schedule and a great extension to the Entrepreneur Certification curriculum. and by the way, Jay started with WA same as you. He has now been a member for 7 or 8 years and does very well with his sites as well as his Magistudios in Canada. He his a great teacher. Best of luck to you.

Thankyou, am a step further. Got my domain, transferred it to WA, and am now building my website. Yeeha

It's a good start. Study other websites to help you visualize how you may want it to look. It's not a race to the finish… it is building a solid foundation and having products and/or services people want. You will find your way. :)

Yep, that was my plan. Just not understanding yet how it is designed, the links where you want them, pictures, posts, etc. It'll come.

Lots to learn and I am seeing the improvement. Happy to share experience and I love learning about people from all backgrounds. My eyes are wide open. I have open arms to receive the abundance and prosperity I deserve. It will come at the right time. Something to look forward to while enjoying each day and creating the possibilities. Anything is possible when you are empowered.

I love the training and can see the result when the website is done. I have been thinking about the content and detail. Its coming together and I am excited. Thank you for your post. xxx

Thanks heaps for the guidance and inspiration. Its so good learning from others that have achieved. Learning the ways faster to make this work. Investing in your time to work on here and continue the training makes a huge difference.Have a fab day.

You are so right. :)

Hi Jules,

Looks like you've been here a couple of months. It normal to want to know when the money is coming in. But you need to realize it depends on your niche, competition, rankings, traffic, and how well you convert sales.

btw: you get better with this as time goes on...

I think if you can start seeing some commissions in the first 3-4 months that should tell you if you're off to a good start (again this varies depending on your niche).

The cool thing about online income is that it builds like a snowball and it keeps gaining momentum as it evolves.

For example, you may first start an affiliate site that becomes a paid site, or you build up your email list and make money in multiple ways; affiliate marketing, advertising, and membership fees.

I've been at this for over 18 months and I now make full time income online. I make commissions pretty much every day from a variety of sources.

And as I continue to grow my site, the income continues to grow, some months it doubles.

It's frustrating at first, but if you stick with it and put in your best effort (with some passion), you may be incredibly grateful and surprised with what kind of online income you can make.

Best of luck and I wish you nothing but success,

Thank you Todd. I want to rush ahead that's my nature. Haha yes I am learning patience. I really am following the training step by step and I have a few ideas that will work. I appreciate the support and I can feel it that I am close.

If you believe in it, stick to it and it will work. If you offer a niche audience value, the money will come..

I have not made any money as of yet but have had several people use the free trial here at WA. They have not gone Premium, but one will and then it will continue.

Thank you for your honesty Sheila.

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