Let's be the diffference...
It’s the end of another year and the older I have become, the quicker time seems to be flying! I don’t always like the feeling there’s less minutes in every day as I have goals that I would like to achieve, which include places I want to travel to and since they parked the Concorde, it means it takes longer!! I do however feel blessed in that the only ‘distraction’ in my day is NOT a 9 -5 grind, excluding traveling time, and I’m very grateful for that.
Have you lately noticed how it’s like people are showing a lot more emotion in public? Whether it’s a speech or just chatting, in general. I just have the feeling that a lot of us are more prepared to and actually show more readily how we feel inside and discussing it with my Lyndi the other day, she’s my only distraction..:-) her comment was that people are hurting…. I’ll let you make your own judgement, but I kinda think she might be right. It’s also possible that some great people have in the recent past been very emotional and I’m not just thinking of John Boehner, but super star NFL sports star, Michael Alvin and a few others, who showed some really raw emotion in their Hall of Fame acceptance speeches.
Are we all feeling a need to show more emotion because there’s a lot of hurt out there….? We all give but we also receive and when you look at society, then the tragedies of the Newtown school shootings, the shopping mall and movie theatre basically fade against hundreds of people getting murdered in Chicago, apparently more than in the Afghan war…. and it’s not even in the news…! Have you noticed how many new members at WA are single mothers? Their profiles say “single mother of two gorgeous kids…” and that is so nice, but where are the dads? Aren’t there any more real men out there? What is happening??? Has love been evaporating? How could a single parent really be a mommy and daddy while holding down two jobs, have a social life and, and…?
My friends here at WA, we have a very special opportunity to make a difference in the lives of people! Kyle and Carson and everyone else who has contributed a video or description of how a plug-in works or whatever else, every blog and forum post and article that exist in the totality of WA, have in them the power to change lives in so many ways, it’s scary!
I wish for each one of you the best of everything during 2013… and let’s not just make a difference, lets be it!
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This is going to be the year of us....all of us, collectively. Some people will feel all that they want to contribute is their presence whereas others will contribute to the community, offering help, asking help, being active and showing compassion and empathy for others through their day to day activities.
I can tell you that 2013 is going to be one of giving for us and one of more evolution here at WA. Our hope that this will lead to many others doing the same and collectively as a whole, we will be able to make a difference in many people's lives.
This is a wonderful and timely post Joe and I wish you all the health, happiness and success that you deserve in 2013!
Thank you Kyle. Thanks for you and Carson's dedication too. An organization of any sort falls or stands by it's leadership....
No problem Joe, our dedication to the community here is only going to grow in strength in 2013! Lots of awesome stuff coming!
So true. 2012 was a tragic year for so many and filled with so much ill will among nations. Let's hope 2013 heals a lot of those old wounds. Best wishes to all.
May the New Year 2013 be the most phenomenal year ever in your life & in turn for all you are connected with!!
I'm going to deliberately play devil's advocate for a moment. Isn't the display of emotion a sign of immaturity perhaps? Maybe a side effect of the parentless or single parent upbringing? The lack of a real anchor to hold on to? Just another thought perspective.
I agree - In stead of talking about change, let us be the change we want to see.
I wish you and yours a 2013 better than any year you have ever experienced! Blessings!
Thank you theos and I have been pondering about that too. The problem is that a child's personality becomes 'set in stone' by around age 5 and when you think about it, who other than Mom, Dad and siblings have you by then been communicating with, learnt from, accepted standards from...? Besides that, also, where is God in your life, your parents' and your friends? There is at the end of the day only one way....
But hey, enjoy the hot summer in Cape Town and all that goes with it... please don't let me catch you in 6 hours time on your pc, just for once... ;-)
@theos. Now this is a very important verse. It is known as the shortest verse in the Bible. This is one that I have my two grown sons remember. It is John 11:35 NIV
35 Jesus wept.
I was a single parent since my sons were 10 and 15. A display of emotion is what more men need. I always wanted my sons to laugh, sing, live life to its fullest, and for them to cry when needed. I would not say they are immature at all. Also, there are a lot of men raising children too! Single parent is not only related to women. They need to have emotions in order to raise those children. I just wanted to express my thought on your perspective. It is okay to agree to disagree. Have a great New Year!
Sherion, as I said, just another thought perspective and for that I played the devil's advocate for a moment It takes a real man to show his true emotions. Of course it is OK to disagree sometimes. Blessings!
Great article. May God help each of us to make and to be the difference we should be in 2013. Hope you have a great 12 months ahead.
Hi Joe, great message, wishing you and yours the best for 2013. Let 's be that difference,
Thanks Hudson, from the heart and been something on my heart for a while... now I can breathe again! Also the best to you and your family, dear friend.
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Heey Happy new year to you to.and all you other folk here .
At midnight it's yeehaaa!!! for you, Christoff!! Thanks...