About Joachim222
Rank 11738
148 followers Joined June 2019
My name is Joachim, and I'm a 35 year old elementary school teacher from Norway. I live in Trondheim in the middle of the country,





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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content


I'm writing a review on a certain product, and was wondering what search engines think of copy/pasting in this regard. I know you're not supposed to do this in ge

If you are copying and pasting factual information about the features of a product then I don’t see it being a problem.
As long as the rest of your review is your own opinion and in your own words it should be fine

Thanks, Dave!

That is in essence what my question is about. I do all other writing in my own words, but I would like to include these "features" without having to rewrite them or put them into my own sentences.

If you rewrite factual stuff then you might misrepresent it so I think it would be better to keep it “as is”
Alternatively turn the features into an image - perhaps a screenshot of the original...
Just a thought...

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Is some copypasting for your advertising alright?

Is some copypasting for your advertising alright?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content


I'm writing a review on a certain product, and was wondering what search engines think of copy/pasting in this regard. I know you're not supposed to do this in ge

If you are copying and pasting factual information about the features of a product then I don’t see it being a problem.
As long as the rest of your review is your own opinion and in your own words it should be fine

Thanks, Dave!

That is in essence what my question is about. I do all other writing in my own words, but I would like to include these "features" without having to rewrite them or put them into my own sentences.

If you rewrite factual stuff then you might misrepresent it so I think it would be better to keep it “as is”
Alternatively turn the features into an image - perhaps a screenshot of the original...
Just a thought...

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Do I have to do this manually after posting? Right now, my new posts are displayed as the last post on my home page (as they're supposed to), but I would like them to automatic

First off, I don’t think you can have articles labeled as posts next to your home button. I believe they have to be pages.

There are two things you can do. You can make a master page for your posts and put the rest of your posts in sub menus underneath it.

OR you can make a master page and just add images that links to your other posts. Your question seems to lean towards the first topic so I’ll cover that.

First make an article that you want to be a page. This will be your “Master” once it’s published we can move on.

Click on “websites” and login to your back office as an admin.

Click on “appearances” then “menus”

You will see something that says “add menu items”. There will be two sections: “pages” and “posts”

Put a check mark in the page you just created.

If you can’t find it, click “view all”

Once you find what you’re looking for, click “add to menu”

If you have no other pages, your new page will appear next to your “Home” button. It will be parallel with it.

If they are both parallel, that means they are not subordinate and are “parents” or “masters” if you will, but even.

Now, I assume you want your posts in a sub menu now?

Go back to the left side of the screen and click on the “Posts” section.

Find the article you want. Again, if you don’t see it, click “view all”

Put a check mark on the post you want and click “add to menu”

Posts should always be subordinate to pages, but if not you can adjust them.

Your post will appear on the right side of the screen.

If your post ends up underneath the “Home” button, you can drag it underneath your new page instead.

If for some reason the post is parallel to your new page, you can drag it slightly to the right.

Now, your page has become a parent and your post has become a subordinate.

Scroll down and click “save menu”

Congratulations, you’re done!

You should play around with this in order to gain more familiarity.

I asked the same question when I first go here and didn’t get the answer I wanted.

Let me know if you need help with anything else or if you’re still having problems with this question,

Good Luck!

Thanks for the detailed answer, aestek! However, I think this is what I've done already, I've just labeled the page "Posts", so that it is easy to navigate for my readers.

So, next to my "Home"-menu, there is a page labeled as "Posts", with all my written content in submenus. My problem (or question) is that I want to make this an automatic thing, so that any new blog post I write, places under this menu. Is that possible? Cause so far I've been adding every new post to this menu manually, but everything that can be automated just takes a little bit of stress off my shoulders with this whole blog process.

So, do you know if it's possible make this an automated thing, or will I have to continue to add them manually?

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How do I get new posts to add on top of my "posts" menu?

How do I get new posts to add on top of my "posts" menu?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Do I have to do this manually after posting? Right now, my new posts are displayed as the last post on my home page (as they're supposed to), but I would like them to automatic

First off, I don’t think you can have articles labeled as posts next to your home button. I believe they have to be pages.

There are two things you can do. You can make a master page for your posts and put the rest of your posts in sub menus underneath it.

OR you can make a master page and just add images that links to your other posts. Your question seems to lean towards the first topic so I’ll cover that.

First make an article that you want to be a page. This will be your “Master” once it’s published we can move on.

Click on “websites” and login to your back office as an admin.

Click on “appearances” then “menus”

You will see something that says “add menu items”. There will be two sections: “pages” and “posts”

Put a check mark in the page you just created.

If you can’t find it, click “view all”

Once you find what you’re looking for, click “add to menu”

If you have no other pages, your new page will appear next to your “Home” button. It will be parallel with it.

If they are both parallel, that means they are not subordinate and are “parents” or “masters” if you will, but even.

Now, I assume you want your posts in a sub menu now?

Go back to the left side of the screen and click on the “Posts” section.

Find the article you want. Again, if you don’t see it, click “view all”

Put a check mark on the post you want and click “add to menu”

Posts should always be subordinate to pages, but if not you can adjust them.

Your post will appear on the right side of the screen.

If your post ends up underneath the “Home” button, you can drag it underneath your new page instead.

If for some reason the post is parallel to your new page, you can drag it slightly to the right.

Now, your page has become a parent and your post has become a subordinate.

Scroll down and click “save menu”

Congratulations, you’re done!

You should play around with this in order to gain more familiarity.

I asked the same question when I first go here and didn’t get the answer I wanted.

Let me know if you need help with anything else or if you’re still having problems with this question,

Good Luck!

Thanks for the detailed answer, aestek! However, I think this is what I've done already, I've just labeled the page "Posts", so that it is easy to navigate for my readers.

So, next to my "Home"-menu, there is a page labeled as "Posts", with all my written content in submenus. My problem (or question) is that I want to make this an automatic thing, so that any new blog post I write, places under this menu. Is that possible? Cause so far I've been adding every new post to this menu manually, but everything that can be automated just takes a little bit of stress off my shoulders with this whole blog process.

So, do you know if it's possible make this an automated thing, or will I have to continue to add them manually?

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

First off, how much does this topic really mean? Does it affect my rankings? Will I get more visits by having a high Site Trust? Cause right now I have 0% Site Trust, and 0 cli

It took me more than two months to start getting traffic. And that was really low. As you add more posts consistently, Google will realize you are serious and start ranking you higher. Until you teach 100 posts, it is not unusual to not see meaningful results.

Don't give up. 90% do. It is the remaining 10% who stick with it who are the winners.



Thanks EB,
That's helpful and inspiring to hear! I'm not about to give up, but nonetheless nice to hear that someone who's now successful, has gone through the same thing.


Hi Joachim, you are getting to the Frustration Phase, it is part of the process, just something to work through.

Site trust is exactly that, there are so many new websites launching every day. Many will never amount to anything.

We are all cautious when we go online we should take care when we use our credit cards and we should not click on links from sources that we are unsure of.

So site trust is a massive thing, it grows at a rate of 10 % per month, that is the way it is. It follows that Google will start to trust and take you seriously as will your visitors, it is all relative.

We have come here to learn some legitimate processes and we have some very good resources to help us get there.

We just have to follow the process, and that can be the hardest thing to do.

It is like going back to school and learning a new way.

I know that you are a teacher, so it will be a challenge for you.

I see that you were turned down for Adsense, it is not the end of the world, just keep on creating content and building your presence, and then reapply, it happens all the time.

Looking at it, our websites are like storefronts, in everytown, there will be the right end of town where all the action is and at the other end, there will be the shops that are all boarded up.

Every town and city in the world has this.

I travel through rust belt towns and the boarded-up shops look so sad and then someone turns up, spring cleans and breathes new life into the tired shops and before you know it that little piece starts to thrive.

Our websites are like this, it takes time to get them humming.

Try not to get frustrated we all have to go through it, on the other side you will be really surprised, not only by the results but also in your self.

Take care and best wishes.

Thanks, and I heard this thing about 10%/month earlier as well, and knowing that, I thought my trust would be up to 10% by now. This is not the case, however, and I guess that - and having 0 clicks to my site - is part of my frustration atm. It helps a lot with you guys and your replies here, though!


Just stick at it another few months and you will be in a different headspace.

Hi - your site trust increases automatically by 10% each month. There is nothing you can do to speed up the process.

We had a similar conversation 6 days ago, when you may remember, this is what I said.

"Bear in mind, that the age of your site plays a part in ranking. Google views all new sites with suspicion for the first 6 months.

I took a look at your site, you have mentioned it elsewhere. You only have 9 posts; realistically, nothing is going to happen until you have at least 20, probably 30."

Other than your "about me" page, you wrote your post on July 12, so in reality, your site has only been up and running for just over a month.

Just keep writing content, consistency is the key.

I do remember our conversation the other day, and I found it very helpful. I guess my question this time was more about how much Site Trust really means? Will I simply not get any visitors as long as it says 0% on my Site Trust?

And just so you know, I got really excited to see that you had replied here, cause I like your advise and help, and also your blohs on here!

Site Trust is really just an indication of the age of your site and is a metric used by Wealthy Affiliate. Google will trust your site more, as it increases in age. A lot of sites are abandoned after 2 or 3 months, so Google likes to see that a website is active before it places it higher.

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How to enhance my site trust?

How to enhance my site trust?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

First off, how much does this topic really mean? Does it affect my rankings? Will I get more visits by having a high Site Trust? Cause right now I have 0% Site Trust, and 0 cli

It took me more than two months to start getting traffic. And that was really low. As you add more posts consistently, Google will realize you are serious and start ranking you higher. Until you teach 100 posts, it is not unusual to not see meaningful results.

Don't give up. 90% do. It is the remaining 10% who stick with it who are the winners.



Thanks EB,
That's helpful and inspiring to hear! I'm not about to give up, but nonetheless nice to hear that someone who's now successful, has gone through the same thing.


Hi Joachim, you are getting to the Frustration Phase, it is part of the process, just something to work through.

Site trust is exactly that, there are so many new websites launching every day. Many will never amount to anything.

We are all cautious when we go online we should take care when we use our credit cards and we should not click on links from sources that we are unsure of.

So site trust is a massive thing, it grows at a rate of 10 % per month, that is the way it is. It follows that Google will start to trust and take you seriously as will your visitors, it is all relative.

We have come here to learn some legitimate processes and we have some very good resources to help us get there.

We just have to follow the process, and that can be the hardest thing to do.

It is like going back to school and learning a new way.

I know that you are a teacher, so it will be a challenge for you.

I see that you were turned down for Adsense, it is not the end of the world, just keep on creating content and building your presence, and then reapply, it happens all the time.

Looking at it, our websites are like storefronts, in everytown, there will be the right end of town where all the action is and at the other end, there will be the shops that are all boarded up.

Every town and city in the world has this.

I travel through rust belt towns and the boarded-up shops look so sad and then someone turns up, spring cleans and breathes new life into the tired shops and before you know it that little piece starts to thrive.

Our websites are like this, it takes time to get them humming.

Try not to get frustrated we all have to go through it, on the other side you will be really surprised, not only by the results but also in your self.

Take care and best wishes.

Thanks, and I heard this thing about 10%/month earlier as well, and knowing that, I thought my trust would be up to 10% by now. This is not the case, however, and I guess that - and having 0 clicks to my site - is part of my frustration atm. It helps a lot with you guys and your replies here, though!


Just stick at it another few months and you will be in a different headspace.

Hi - your site trust increases automatically by 10% each month. There is nothing you can do to speed up the process.

We had a similar conversation 6 days ago, when you may remember, this is what I said.

"Bear in mind, that the age of your site plays a part in ranking. Google views all new sites with suspicion for the first 6 months.

I took a look at your site, you have mentioned it elsewhere. You only have 9 posts; realistically, nothing is going to happen until you have at least 20, probably 30."

Other than your "about me" page, you wrote your post on July 12, so in reality, your site has only been up and running for just over a month.

Just keep writing content, consistency is the key.

I do remember our conversation the other day, and I found it very helpful. I guess my question this time was more about how much Site Trust really means? Will I simply not get any visitors as long as it says 0% on my Site Trust?

And just so you know, I got really excited to see that you had replied here, cause I like your advise and help, and also your blohs on here!

Site Trust is really just an indication of the age of your site and is a metric used by Wealthy Affiliate. Google will trust your site more, as it increases in age. A lot of sites are abandoned after 2 or 3 months, so Google likes to see that a website is active before it places it higher.

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asked in
Getting Started

The header says it all, really... So, can I? Where does it say if I can or can't?


You can place a link to any video from YouTube on your site. Essentially you are just providing a portal for your visitors to view the video. The video is still on YouTube

Thanks Dave, that's helpful info!

Technically you can do this within your WordPress site ... you need to consider if there are any copyright issues. In most cases, when a video is published on a Youtube channel, and sharing is turned on, you can include it as content ... it is actually linked back to the publishers Youtube account so it is a way for them to get more views and followers! In YouTube click on the share button and copy and paste that link into your blog post .. once you publish the post the video will show when you go to the page in your browser.

Thanks, that's what I needed to know!

You can share YouTube video on your site.


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Can I just grab a video from youtube and place it on my sit?

Can I just grab a video from youtube and place it on my sit?

asked in
Getting Started

The header says it all, really... So, can I? Where does it say if I can or can't?


You can place a link to any video from YouTube on your site. Essentially you are just providing a portal for your visitors to view the video. The video is still on YouTube

Thanks Dave, that's helpful info!

Technically you can do this within your WordPress site ... you need to consider if there are any copyright issues. In most cases, when a video is published on a Youtube channel, and sharing is turned on, you can include it as content ... it is actually linked back to the publishers Youtube account so it is a way for them to get more views and followers! In YouTube click on the share button and copy and paste that link into your blog post .. once you publish the post the video will show when you go to the page in your browser.

Thanks, that's what I needed to know!

You can share YouTube video on your site.


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asked in
Website Development & Programming

So, Houston, we have a problem... Got the text below from the AdSense team, and I'm not really sure why... I have read through the "program criteria", but I can't find any help

Joachim, I agree with Edwin here, it sure takes a lot to win the AdSense team approval. Some small changes are required on your website if I may suggest to you.
1. Choose a better theme like Astra or generate press, they play a very first impression on anyone visiting your site rather than putt off by a boring theme they are SEO optimized. The Hestia theme you used was customized very bad.
2. Use a good editor like Elementor which has a good layout, Use good fonts for Headings and Content.
3. Work on your SEO for the site to garner visitors to visit your site, the game is to get good traffic to rank and qualify for Adsense.
4. Don't get overwhelmed and post affiliate links immediately on day one until your site is reviewed by the AdSense team.
5. Write good quality articles and if possible post one every day, but be careful with plagiarism or you will be penalized by search engines.
These simples changes which I feel will solve your problem, and you will be successful in your niche.

Google wants you to have consistent visitors to make it worth their while. It is important to focus first on creating a quality website with great articles and do this often. After you have accumulated about 33 posts. apply again. That's what I did and Google accepted me.

It is key to have realistic expectation. Otherwise you will get frustrated and give up. Those who succeed are in for the long haul. And that can be months and even years before having a website that will pay them a living wage.

It takes 4 years to get a university degree before you can even begin to earn anything. It shouldn't take 4 years here, but it could if you do not out in the concentrated effort.

You are doing the right thing in asking for advice on this platform. That is what is so good about WA. We can express our frustration to others and get good tips and learn from their experience.



True! And I'm so happy to have you guys around!


Hi - I answered your other question earlier, and it's basically the same thing. You don't have enough posts yet, and you said yourself you are not getting traffic. This is what Google AdSense is looking for. But yes, I agree, I don't think people should be trying to join at that stage of the training, it's too early.

Adsense generally don’t approve new sites.
Personally I think it’s a blessing in disguise. I wouldn’t have Adsense ads anywhere near my site. To me they are tacky and cheapen the site

Ok, that's fine then, but how come it's a part of the pretty early stages of the training here? (level 3, nr 8 or 9)

Adsense is a potential source of income and many people do use it for that purpose.
In my opinion you’ll be much more successful if you find decent affiliate products relevant to your niche and place professional ad banners for the product on your website

Adsense is very picky about who they approve ... as stated in the response ... "... designed to ensure the effectiveness of Google ads for our publishers" They are only focussed on traffic ... once you are attracting a large number of clicks you will be more likely to be approved!

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Why am I rejected - what could be wrong with my site?

Why am I rejected - what could be wrong with my site?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

So, Houston, we have a problem... Got the text below from the AdSense team, and I'm not really sure why... I have read through the "program criteria", but I can't find any help

Joachim, I agree with Edwin here, it sure takes a lot to win the AdSense team approval. Some small changes are required on your website if I may suggest to you.
1. Choose a better theme like Astra or generate press, they play a very first impression on anyone visiting your site rather than putt off by a boring theme they are SEO optimized. The Hestia theme you used was customized very bad.
2. Use a good editor like Elementor which has a good layout, Use good fonts for Headings and Content.
3. Work on your SEO for the site to garner visitors to visit your site, the game is to get good traffic to rank and qualify for Adsense.
4. Don't get overwhelmed and post affiliate links immediately on day one until your site is reviewed by the AdSense team.
5. Write good quality articles and if possible post one every day, but be careful with plagiarism or you will be penalized by search engines.
These simples changes which I feel will solve your problem, and you will be successful in your niche.

Google wants you to have consistent visitors to make it worth their while. It is important to focus first on creating a quality website with great articles and do this often. After you have accumulated about 33 posts. apply again. That's what I did and Google accepted me.

It is key to have realistic expectation. Otherwise you will get frustrated and give up. Those who succeed are in for the long haul. And that can be months and even years before having a website that will pay them a living wage.

It takes 4 years to get a university degree before you can even begin to earn anything. It shouldn't take 4 years here, but it could if you do not out in the concentrated effort.

You are doing the right thing in asking for advice on this platform. That is what is so good about WA. We can express our frustration to others and get good tips and learn from their experience.



True! And I'm so happy to have you guys around!


Hi - I answered your other question earlier, and it's basically the same thing. You don't have enough posts yet, and you said yourself you are not getting traffic. This is what Google AdSense is looking for. But yes, I agree, I don't think people should be trying to join at that stage of the training, it's too early.

Adsense generally don’t approve new sites.
Personally I think it’s a blessing in disguise. I wouldn’t have Adsense ads anywhere near my site. To me they are tacky and cheapen the site

Ok, that's fine then, but how come it's a part of the pretty early stages of the training here? (level 3, nr 8 or 9)

Adsense is a potential source of income and many people do use it for that purpose.
In my opinion you’ll be much more successful if you find decent affiliate products relevant to your niche and place professional ad banners for the product on your website

Adsense is very picky about who they approve ... as stated in the response ... "... designed to ensure the effectiveness of Google ads for our publishers" They are only focussed on traffic ... once you are attracting a large number of clicks you will be more likely to be approved!

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