The Problem Was Fixed: My First Video-Tutorial Is Online
Hi everyone,
My first video-tutorial for the Wealthy Affiliate family is now published!
I created this video for those who are at the beginning of their online journey, but I'm sure that some more advanced members may also find it useful, especially, the second part of it.
This post is about a video production and fear of it, and not about the topic of the training.
I started a business YouTube channel about a month ago, and creating videos is still way beyond my comfort zone. Since the targetted audience for my videos on YouTube is mostly novice in the online venture, I convinced myself that they might be not as critical of me as I am of myself.
Though, one of the very first feedback I've received was "dislike" LOL. It was discouraging but didn't stop me from trying again.
As I help new members at WA resolve their issues, I see that my YouTube training answers many questions that they often ask in this community. However, while I could see too many downsides in my videos, I was hesitating to create them for the WA family. I wanted to first get rid of the major errors I was aware of and then ask WA for much-respected and more valuable to me (compering to YouTube strangers) feedback from people of all levels of expertise in video production.
I believe that my speech, recording time, and design are improving with each new production. I feel like I'm ready to learn from you how else I could improve my video-training.I have to admit that my own excitement about my first video tutorial for Wealthy Affiliate calmed down a little because it didn't get published when I published it. But nevertheless, our Support informed me that this was a glitch on their end and it is now fixed.
I'd highly appreciate your honest feedback about the video itself in the comments under this post.
If you have any questions or comments related to the topic of the training please post under the video-training.
Also, if you'd like to support my baby YouTube channel with your Likes, comments and subscribtions, please find the link on my profile page. I would GREATLY APPRECIATE your feedback.
Thank you in advance for sharing your experience and wisdom.
~ Julia
Recent Comments
Thanks for doing this. I bookmark the page and look at it later. I’m one of those who have been around for a while I need some guidance on the video thing. Thanks
Hi Jim,
It seems like there are many of us who are just starting or preparing to start and need some guidance. I hope that those who already have solid experience with video production and YouTube in particular, will offer their tips.
Thank you.
~ Julia
Don't worry, Julia--my one and only book review was a resounding thumbs down, but I don;t let it deter my drive!
Oh, someone actually took time to write a negative piece on your work... this is even worse than a simple "dislike" click. It must have hurt your feelings and required your strength to move forward. My respect to you for not giving up. Thank you for sharing; your story is exemplary and motivating.
Oh, I won't give up. In fact, right around that time I sold an additional 17 books! OF course the last couple of months have been agonizingly slow! 🙄
Go for it, Sylvia! It might be intimidating to start (depending on your skills and personalities), but it's actually fun! And the more - the merrier. We'll share our work and help each other succeed.
~ Julia
It's something I've always wanted to do. I do need another person to hold the camera though. It makes things much easier when I have help.
Thanks Julia
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This is Great Julia!
Happy to hear, I am going over to your tutorial:)!
Thank a lot! Much appreciated. :)