Challenge Your Limits!

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We all face challenges on an almost daily basis. But challenges should not be setbacks and they should not limit your progress. They can be overcome.

As we face our challenges, we develop the ability to conquer them and move on to the next big thing. By consistently working towards a goal, you will meet the challenges that are thrown in your path head on. And ultimately win the prize!

Many times we tend to limit ourselves by thinking that we are not good enough, or by listening to friends who think we dare crasy for following a particular path.

Do not be limited by this - challenge your limits. Only by taking this sort of action can you achieve your goals. And always remember that dreams are just that until you take action and establish goals to make your dreams come true!

So, I ask you are you ready to challenge your limits and make your dreams come true? I know that I am.

What limitations to you consciously (or unconciously) place upon your self?

Have a wonderful and fulfilling day.


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Recent Comments


Excellent advice, Jenni!

Thanks for sharing this excellent post!


Imposter syndrome is a thing that can hold many aspiring internet explorers back.

The only way to become proficient is to meet the challenges we face head on. None of us are going to break the internet we might though break our sites or muck up our latest ad campaign, write a stinker, sinker of a post, but through it all we are building experience and its that applied experience that puts money in our Pay Pal accounts.

If we are not living on the edge and taking some risks we are taking up too much space.

Great reminder to push that little bit farther, go out on that limb, push the boundaries, thank you, Jenni.


I agree, Alex. Always think outside the box and push the boundaries! Don't limit yourself to the box!

I love that quote, Jenni...
Don't limit your challenges, challenge your limits! - Jerry Dunn (America's 'marathon man').

Indeed, Richard. I like it, too, and strive to be like it.

Jennel, excellent blog!
I stopped placing limit on myself . I found that when I used to do it,

I felt as if I was in a cage and I was not free to pursue the things that I was yearning to do because I keep telling myself that I can't.

Now I make personal goals and make a plan and strive to reach each and every one of them.

I am now enjoying every part of life to the fullest

Simone, thank you for visiting and sharing your own experiences. Goal setting is definitely the answer to to unlimited success!

Absolutely :)
Enjoy the remainder of your weekend

Thank you.
I challenge with least expectations.
Do you think this is a good idea?
Nice blog post.

Lula, I think we should all try to move outside the limits we set on ourselves. We are only limited by our own imagination.

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