Timid Thursday Tends To Turn Totally Terrific & Triumphant!
Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!
After a wonderful Wednesday, I worked on the computer for a while, and then decided that it was time to head to bed. I slept well, and got up refreshed.
It wasn't long before I was back on the computer for my daily does of the Wealthy Affiliate Community.
It never seems to disappoint.
When I finished with that, it would soon be time to capture images of the new day, though it has started with clouds--just ahead of a severe drop in temperature.
Yes, the start to Frisatsu would be a bit chilly. I'm glad that I have plenty of firewood this time around, and thus, will be ready for it.
Before I did that, Monica called and we chatted for about 45 minutes, so that was quite a nice surprise! I might head to her house later in the day. We'll see how that works out.
Finally, the weather got better, so I grabbed some images of the new day!
The Sun has been out since that time, but we were only approaching 40 degrees at that time.
After a couple of hours, I ventured out to the truck to get it ready to go, and captured two more images of the improving day.
Soon, I will be going to try and complete the locksmith job from yesterday. We'll see how that goes.
Monica called again about that time when I was warming up the truck. We talked for about 30 minutes. I might see her tonight, and might not. That still remains to be seen.
The drive over was quite pleasant. I was still on the phone with her when I headed to the Realtor's office.
I arrived there in short order, and had to wait for him to arrive, still talking to Monica on the phone. He arrived not long after, so I let her go at that time.
Feeling tired most of the day was not fun, so I got the lock re-keyed, but I will likely install it on Monday or Tuesday of the upcoming week--this was the new one that I purchased yesterday. The weather will be better next week according to the weather report.
I also ventured into my book promotion site to check on things, but I did not post another post. I did start one though. Perhaps I might work on it some more later after I post this post.
Finally, Kitty decided to come into the office. Better late than never, in my opinion!
She meandered around for a while, and then finally left again.
There have also been some other myriad tasks that I have been taking care of inside in preparation for the upcoming couple of days involving colder weather ahead of us.
Those will be ongoing for a bit. Then this post will be out, and the rest of the evening will be mine!
I think that we reached a high of 46 degrees, so that wasn't too bad,
When that is done, I might go to Monica's house for a short while if she is there at home. It has been a long day for me, but it will soon be over.
I will respond to any comments later since I have to leave to go take care of some things!
Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty
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Busy days Jeff.
definitely get a visit in to Monica's if you get chance. A change of scene, a nice drive, a chance for a talk. Go for it.
Those photos look like the weather is changing for the better.
I see we have a new challenger entering the ring for first responder.
Welcome to the mix.
Take care Jeff.
I did, Bux!
It will be in today's post later today.
I have not gone outside yet this morning, but we are supposed to have some light snow, and colder temps before it warms up again in the coming new week.
Yes, we did! Marioi hit it!
Happy Frisatsu!
Oh dear. Colder here and slightly breezy. But nowhere near freezing.
Heavy rains forecast, and the rhines are already full. The water cannot soak away fast enough. Once it gets to the River Parrot, it's ok, the sea is only a few miles away.
Oh no Jeff.
I've not seen snow at my house for over 5 years.
Here's 3 quid, buy yourself some snow grit.
Wow, it's always a busy day for my good friend Jeff!
I love to see you more active than not. For me, I love being active and very busy in a day. You'll enjoy seeing all the results at the end of the day, even though you're a little tired; that's okay.
Congrats on your excellent weather. And as usual, I love the views in your images.
Happy weekend and Frisatsu, my friend!
All the best,
I always try to make the most of the day when I can Joyce.
The start to this Frisatsu might be a bit colder before more warmer temps come in the new week.
Enjoy your Frisatsu too!
I love to hear that, my friend Jeff!
Yes, enjoy your Fresatsu!
I am very ok here, my friend.
See you next; God bless!
Thank you so much, friend Jeff!
I want to say...good night! And bye-bye for now.
Have a lovely weekend!
Good sleep, and God bless!
Beautiful pix, Jeff! Fine weather. I can see you had a busy Friday eve. The good thing is you got the job done come rain, come shine and now you are free to see Monica and prepare for the weekend. There's something satisfying about cleaning your table of tasks before the weekend. It puts a spring in your steps.
Thank you very much, Dada!
I am glad to have accomplished what I was able to do, and then still have dinner at Monica's house too!
I hope your day went well too.
Another Frisatsu starts tomorrow!
Your weather looks nice. It's beautiful here today, too -- temperature at 41 degrees and not a cloud in the sky (for a change) It was so nice I let Mocha out for a couple of hours. Still a lot of snow and ice on ground; patches of clear. He didn't much like the snowy part, but meandered around and checked out a few of his favorite spaces. He must have come in and gone back out about 6 times -- guess he had to warm up
Cooking a small moose roast tonight, with onions, potatoes, and carrots. Looking forward to that.
I have one small closing part to add to my memoir re: CT and my first 9 years. Got out the huge family bible that was my grandmother's and found I need to research a few dates. May try a genealogy service for that one.
Glad I don't have to go anywhere today.
It was decent, Fran, but I just felt colder than usual. I can understand why Mocha would not like the snowy parts.
Your moose roast sounds good,
Your memoir sounds like it is progressing well too.
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More snow Jeff!!
Who saw that coming!!
Have a fantastic start to Frisatsu my friend and keep that fire going!!
I did about a week ago when it was forecast, Nick! DUH!!!
That's why I was totally prepared for it.
The fire is going, and I have A LOT of firewood for it. Next week we will be in the 50s and 60s again. This is not my first Winter rodeo!
Happy Frisatsu!
It's a joke Jeff!! I think we all knew about it!!