Sublime & Serene Sunny Sunday Skies Spur Success!

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Hello everyone in Wealthy Affiliate!

I slept in a little this morning before I jumped into playing catch-up in the Wealthy Affiliate Community!

This time, Tig-Tig seemed in a better mood, and was right there beside me assisting! We worked for about an hour, before I gave her a break so that I could go take the Blog Dogs outside so that they could do their morning business!

The sun felt wonderful even though there was a light nippy wind blowing. They sure enjoyed their time outside!

I was out there with them for about 15 minutes, and then it was time to get back on the computer!

There is always something to do on the computer--whether it is within Wealthy Affiliate, my manuscripts, cover-art, or just the mundane task of paying bills! As the banner states--Wealthy Affiliate makes me feel young at heart again!

As it turned out, I had more Wealthy Affiliate tasks to do before it was time to make my daily runs around town!

This time, Tig-Tig did not seem as enthused to assist when I told her that we had more work to do!

Finally, about an hour after that, it was time for me to leave!

The title image said it all as I left the park to get on the main road heading to the locksmith shop house!

The scenery on the main road was absolutely gorgeous, and I took a LOT of pictures--it was hard to choose just one!

I could have taken them all day long, but the ones I did take, which I did not use in this post will be a part of my fourth image e-book!

When I arrived at the shop house, I spent about an hour and a half cleaning out my other service van and getting it ready to re-enter the rotation sometime next week!

I took pictures of the skies there too, but I didn't bother to load one!

I called my mom and talked to her for an hour before heading to the eBay house where, among other things, I am writing this blog post!

When I did finally leave the eBay house, I was astounded that most of the earlier clouds were gone!

I also took a picture of the sun behind my Oak tree right after I started and let my motorcycle run for a while!

I didn't really have the time to give it a decent ride, and besides, it was a little nippy outside anyway! Maybe next time! I did upload a YT video of it running though!

The home stretch to the house showed what the sky looked like and how markedly different it was from this morning!

What a difference a few hours make!

When I got home, the Blog Dogs were excited to see me!

I hadn't been gone that long!

Oh well, it was a GREAT Frisatsu!

I'm ready for the new week now! I'll be on and off the computer for the rest of the evening!


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Recent Comments


Great week my friend. No Matter how slowly the day may start, we can still be productive at last.
Why, because a go getter never allows him self to be stopped by the look of things at the start.
We hit hard and harder till Success at last. Great day, great week and good luck Jeff.

Very true words, Godstrong! I always find a way forward somehow! Usually by the Grace of God!


Here's wishing you a great week ahead! 😀

Thank you, Cynthia! Right back at you! I hope you are doing well!


Great post as always, Jeff.

Have a good evening!


Many thanks, Myra!

You have a GREAT new week, my friend!


You have inspired me. We are supposed to have yet another sunny day tomorrow, so will go out and take a bunch of pictures.

Today it was 67 degrees! A veritable heat wave...ideal temp, as far as I am concerned.

That does sound like an ideal temp, Fran! I'll bet those pictures will be beautiful! Take enough so you can upload an eBook with them--"Fran's Alaska Images"

Can't wait!


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