How to Sell Pet Supplies Online

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Today you can learn how to sell pet supplies online. This niche is growing in popularity every day, and being a pet owner I can tell you people will spend more money on them than you might realize.

The Potential of Pet Supplies in Affiliate Marketing

Selling pet supplies in affiliate marketing online has strong potential for a variety of reasons.

The pet industry is massive and continues to grow. People are spending more on their furry (or feathered, or scaled) friends than ever before. This translates to a large pool of potential customers you can reach through affiliate marketing.

Pet owners are a dedicated bunch who are willing to invest in the health and happiness of their companions. This makes them receptive to marketing that offers solutions and builds trust.

The pet supply niche is broad, with a wide range of products to choose from. You can target specific areas like dog training equipment, high-quality cat food, or unique pet accessories.

Many pet stores and brands offer generous commission rates to affiliates who drive sales. This means you can potentially earn a good income by promoting the right products.

Here are some additional points to consider

  • The pet affiliate marketing space is competitive. You'll need to find a way to stand out from the crowd, whether it's by focusing on a specific niche, creating high-quality content, or building a strong social media presence.
  • Focus on promoting high-quality products that solve problems for pet owners. Building trust is key to long-term success.

Affiliate marketing for pet supplies has the potential to be a profitable venture. If you're passionate about pets and have a knack for online marketing, it's a niche worth exploring.

Affiliate Programs

Here are a few reputable pet supply affiliate programs to consider, each with varying strengths


A major online pet retailer with a vast selection of products and a loyal customer base. They offer a commission rate around 4%, but their high average order value can lead to good earnings.

Pet Pro Supply Co.

Known for high-quality pet care products for both professional and home use. They boast a high average order value of $700 and offer commission rates up to 25%.


A popular subscription service offering curated dog toys and treats. Their program has tiered commissions, with some categories offering up to $20 per sign-up.


A prominent player in pet DNA testing kits, dog food, and accessories. Their commission is around 10%, and their DNA kits can result in a higher payout per sale.


Specializes in natural and holistic pet wellness products. This can be a good option if you target a niche audience interested in alternative pet care.

The best program for you depends on your audience and niche. Consider factors like commission rates, product variety, cookie duration, and brand reputation when making your decision.

How to Sell Pet Supplies Guide

Affiliate marketing can be a great way to enter the pet supply business online without the hassle of managing inventory or fulfillment.

Here's how an affiliate marketer can get started

1. Market Research and Niche Selection

Consider niching down to a specific pet segment (dogs, cats, fish) or a product category (healthy treats, sustainable toys). This allows you to cater to a more targeted audience.

2. Partner Selection

Research high-quality pet supply retailers with affiliate programs. Look for reputable brands that offer competitive commissions and a good selection of products relevant to your chosen niche.

3. Building Your Platform

Create a website or blog focused on pet care and product reviews within your chosen niche. You can also leverage social media platforms like Instagram or TikTok to showcase pet products and provide valuable content to pet owners.

4. Content Creation

  • Write informative blog posts or reviews about pet products you're affiliated with.
  • Create engaging social media content that highlights the benefits of using specific products.
  • Focus on building trust and credibility with your audience by providing unbiased reviews and helpful pet care information.

5. Affiliate Link Integration

  • Include affiliate links within your content that direct users to the retailer's website.
  • Ensure transparency by disclosing your affiliate relationships.

6. Marketing and Promotion

  • Implement search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to improve your website's ranking for relevant pet-related searches.
  • Utilize social media marketing to reach your target audience and promote your content.
  • Consider collaborating with pet influencers or bloggers to expand your reach.

Additional Tips

  • Keep your content current with pet trends and new product launches.
  • Offer pet care tips and resources alongside product promotions.
  • Respond to inquiries and build rapport with your audience.

By following these steps and building trust with your audience, you can establish a successful affiliate marketing pet business online.

Final Thoughts

  • The pet industry is competitive. Having a genuine interest in pets and their well-being will show through your content and resonate with your audience.
  • Engage with your audience, answer questions, and foster discussions. This can turn your platform into a trusted resource for pet owners.
  • Building a successful affiliate business takes time and effort. Be patient, consistent with content creation, and focus on delivering value to your audience.

The affiliate marketing route allows you to test the waters of the pet supply business without a significant upfront investment. With dedication and a strategic approach, you can build a loyal following and generate a healthy income by promoting quality pet products.

I hope you found this interesting and helpful,


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Recent Comments


Thank you for this post. Pet supplies are in great demand. A lot of people will find it very useful.

Thank you, KJ

With so many animal lovers and pet owners this niche should be a great choice for anyone interested in a niche


Yes, absolutely!

Very interesting. I could see this market being very competitive. But if narrowed down, as some here have suggested, it might be a very good niche to get into.

Thanks again for your insights.


Hello, Karin

The pet industry is very competitive and can be a good niche if you choose a sub-niche to promote


Some more good information, Jeff.

In my humble opinion, if a person were to enter this niche, maybe going into a more exotic pet would be the best, for example, Hedgehogs. Then, narrow it down from there. Or if they want to stick with cats or dogs, narrow it down to something like dogs and pickleball or something of that nature.

I always enjoy reading your posts.


Same Nancy!

Hello, Nancy

I am very happy that you enjoy reading my posts, I am very appreciative of how you share in my post comments.


Crowded market, but good info, Jeff

Isn't/wasn't there a lady that you you were friends with that was into this niche? I think she lived in Jersey?

It might have been Barbara McGinley, but she has left the platform a while back, Chuck!

Left the Platform? Whatever for?

FINE! I am leaving too!

But I will be back later.


This was almost 2 years ago, Michael!


I will not be gone quite that long, but I am leaving the platform. I have to go to the store.


That name does sound familiar.
How is your Saturday going?

Haha! Okay, Michael!

I miss Barbara if that is the lady I am thinking of.


I think it is and I do as well

Barbara McGinley, yes!

Hello Mr. Jeff

True it is a very competitive niche, so that is why we must find a sub-niche with less competition to succeed


Best of luck with it, Jeff!

You know I had to read your subject line a couple of times before I realized it said supplies. I thought you were teaching us how to sell pet puppies on
You know I have heard of this niche before and there was a lady on WA who delving into that awhile back if I remember correctly. I never thought about as a niche for me....but after reading your post I will after reconsider. Back when we had our Golden we bought everything from Amazon or Chewy.
Thanks again for another great article and enjoy the weekend!

Thank you, Chuck

I am happy that you figured out my subject line and decided to read my pet supplies post.

Keep me updated on what you decide


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