Big News in the World of Web Building!

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Hey everyone! I’m excited to share that I think I’m finally getting the hang of this web building business! 🎉 Originally, I was stumbling a bit over the difference between page content and post content—like trying to learn the difference between a cat and a potato (hint: not the same). 😺🥔But then, in a stroke of genius (or maybe just sheer desperation), I decided to break out a pen and paper! I physically drafted how I wanted my digital masterpiece to look. Once I scribbled down my ideas, the light bulb switched on! 💡 Suddenly, I was able to construct the site with menus and a structure that finally matched the vision dancing around in my head. So, here’s a big cheer to all of you who are still pushing forward in your web-building journeys! Keep at it—you've got this! And remember, if you ever hit a wall, just grab a pen and start doodling. Who knows? You might just create a masterpiece! Wishing everyone the best of luck! 🚀

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Fantastic news to hear Jacob!

Keep on learning and doing implementing my friend and all the very best for the future! :-)

That's great, Jacob! I agree, with Kyle. It always works with me good old-fashioned pen and paper.
Keep them nearby. You might wake up with an idea jot it down, or when walking, talking, or observing something might come up. Allow your mind to be open for inspirational ideas!
Glad everthing has fallen into place!👍😀

That is awesome Jacob. I have always done this actually and it would make for a good little tutorial. When you are able to get your ideas and design ideas on pen and paper, they seem to make a lot more sense and come to life with much more ease.

This is an excellent tip for those that are having a tough time deciding on how they want their website to be organized and designed...get it down on paper!

Congrats, Jacob, great effort on your part.


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