Premium - Day 19
So today is the 19th day of becoming Premium and to be honest, I haven't really gone far with my progress. I'm still working on setting up my website and now I'm stuck when it come to writing contents on my site. I'm having difficulty in speaking and writing English which makes it all challenging and just another reason why I'm struck with writing contents, but there is no moving forward if I don't write something so I have no choice but to try...
I'm using Grammarly to assist me with some spelling error and simple sentence structure but still I think there is a lot of improvement needed. So if anyone is have the same challenge as I am and was able to find a way through it, please share some insights just to give me a sense of how to go about handling this.
As far as achievement is concern, learning about creating a website with WordPress has been such a fun experience. Throwing things around and started seeing your website taking form is such and exciting feeling. I spend most of my time at the back-end of my site learning what does what.
So my 19 days as premium is not all challenging but also an exciting journey for me. I hope everyone is doing well out there and best of luck to you all.
Recent Comments
Hi Bill, Keep going and maintain the momentum. Remember "Practice Make Perfect".