There are Fox in the Hen House!
Has anyone noticed an uptick in violations of the rules here at WA, namely the shameless self-promotion of their offerings?
Here's a perfect example of one just posted. It has nothing to do with my response to a fellow WA member who posted and asked for input on an idea.
I noticed that this type of garbage has increased since a new group of people joined WA. Some feel it's their forum to shamelessly promote their offerings against Kyle and Carson's rules on this matter.
For those who need a refresher:
I will do my best to fight, fight, fight against this crap! We need the entire WA family to fight to keep this garbage out of our house!!
Okay, rant over!
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The good news is you can quickly mark their posts and comments as spam and move right on with your work. 👍🏼
These occurrences seem cyclical, Howard. If memory serves (don't bet on it!), the last bout was in mid-'23. Because of that, I stayed away from the chat for quite a while.
I'll keep my spam trigger finger locked and loaded to help in your fight!
There are more users coming in than usual right now, and we are going to be able to screen a lot of these as we roll out new platforms here to cleanse the platform from spam like this.
You can always bring users like this to my attention through PM, I get most of them but some slip through the cracks. Thanks Howard!
Thanks, Kyle!
I know other senior members here at WA also fight to keep this garbage out of our house. You all have worked so hard to make WA what it is. It's now so popular and becoming a place where spammers think they can hang out.
Trust me, I will do my best to assist.
Happy New Year, Kyle, to you, your family, and the WA team!
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Yes, I have noticed the shameful spamming lately, Howard.
At every opportunity, I remind the individuals to take their feet off the dining table because others live here too.
In other words, stop spamming and respect the rules. Wealthy Affiliate is a safe haven for everyone.
Maxine :)
I love it, Maxine!
Thanks for sharing and taking part in the battle.
Happy to help in keeping everyone safe, Howard.
Maxine :)