How is the bucket system used and work?
I've activated the bucket but have no idea how to use it.
Hi - if you have more than one website, you can organize your content in different buckets for each one. I personally don't bother using them.
A way to sort the documents you create in your site content.
You can name the bucket anything.
This is for adding an image to your post. WA has an image library that pops up when you click on it. You can choose images as you wish. When you "publish" your post in Site content it will then be found on your website Wordpress dashboard when you can edit is if you so choose and the images that you put in your post before publishing will be found in word Wordpress dashboard Media library tab,
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What is the bucket in site content?
How is the bucket system used and work?
I've activated the bucket but have no idea how to use it.
Hey stranger :-)
I'm with Diane on this one.
Never used them.
I think buckets are just a tool for sorting all your posts into categories.
However, unless you have hundreds of posts, I don't see them as being useful.
Wishing you a great day, everyday :-)
Hey Bro :-)
I was wondering how I'd use them, and if I'd switch my category files from my computer.
Go well :-)
Hi - if you have more than one website, you can organize your content in different buckets for each one. I personally don't bother using them.
A way to sort the documents you create in your site content.
You can name the bucket anything.
This is for adding an image to your post. WA has an image library that pops up when you click on it. You can choose images as you wish. When you "publish" your post in Site content it will then be found on your website Wordpress dashboard when you can edit is if you so choose and the images that you put in your post before publishing will be found in word Wordpress dashboard Media library tab,
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When I write a post I want to list the content at the beginning. Then add 'live links' - how do I do this?
Are their WP themes that contain a 'Content List'?
Or is it a
You may use Easy Table of Contents plugin.
That is exactly what I want to do.
Can I do that with the plugin you suggested?
I'm writing for an evidenced base new site - that is an actual niche - be some time b 4 I get my 'basics' together
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How to made content list live?
When I write a post I want to list the content at the beginning. Then add 'live links' - how do I do this?
Are their WP themes that contain a 'Content List'?
Or is it a
You may use Easy Table of Contents plugin.
That is exactly what I want to do.
Can I do that with the plugin you suggested?
I'm writing for an evidenced base new site - that is an actual niche - be some time b 4 I get my 'basics' together
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Why haven't received an email notification from WA that you have taken this money from my account?
What does my payment give me?
Honor Bright
Hey thanks Marion your help has de-stressed me, I appreciate your clear answer.
Thankyou so much
Use the form on this page and mark your question as Billing
What have I paid $187.00 us for?
Why haven't received an email notification from WA that you have taken this money from my account?
What does my payment give me?
Honor Bright
Hey thanks Marion your help has de-stressed me, I appreciate your clear answer.
Thankyou so much
Use the form on this page and mark your question as Billing
The live training by Jay, has disappeared on my screen, in your update.
Is the live training by Jay going to be included if I pay the $299 price?
Yes it is a premium feature. You will find the live events under Classes in the main menu.
Thanks HildeRegine,
I was worried that they had been taken away and put into the upgraded US$700 plus price. In NZ dollars that is way out of my budget.
But I can find Jays teaching by going into my 'profile'
This means that I can rejoin WA for the coming year.
Yes, they are.
You can access these from Training -> Classrooms -> Events
The sessions via Classes is not working at the moment
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Is the live training by jay included in the non-up-dated wa training program?
The live training by Jay, has disappeared on my screen, in your update.
Is the live training by Jay going to be included if I pay the $299 price?
Yes it is a premium feature. You will find the live events under Classes in the main menu.
Thanks HildeRegine,
I was worried that they had been taken away and put into the upgraded US$700 plus price. In NZ dollars that is way out of my budget.
But I can find Jays teaching by going into my 'profile'
This means that I can rejoin WA for the coming year.
Yes, they are.
You can access these from Training -> Classrooms -> Events
The sessions via Classes is not working at the moment
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When I hover over the image, their address appears .
What do I need to do to learn how to do this?
Site support is unable to help -
A website logo and/or site title usually links to the site's home page. Add Links in WordPress: Text and Images
Hi Marion,
You have been a huge help.
I've have never used the gear icon - and have just used the tick icon.
My site is full of medically references
I wondering if this is a reason google does not seem to like my site?
That's just setting the image to open a url if clicked. Edit the image and set it for a custom url.
Thank you
I've taken a screen shot of this so that I can print it out.
That way it is easier for me to follow instructions.
Is it possible to set the custom URL to go to another content page on your website?
Lily 😊
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How to get the url address on an image?
When I hover over the image, their address appears .
What do I need to do to learn how to do this?
Site support is unable to help -
A website logo and/or site title usually links to the site's home page. Add Links in WordPress: Text and Images
Hi Marion,
You have been a huge help.
I've have never used the gear icon - and have just used the tick icon.
My site is full of medically references
I wondering if this is a reason google does not seem to like my site?
That's just setting the image to open a url if clicked. Edit the image and set it for a custom url.
Thank you
I've taken a screen shot of this so that I can print it out.
That way it is easier for me to follow instructions.
Is it possible to set the custom URL to go to another content page on your website?
Lily 😊
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Hey stranger :-)
I'm with Diane on this one.
Never used them.
I think buckets are just a tool for sorting all your posts into categories.
However, unless you have hundreds of posts, I don't see them as being useful.
Wishing you a great day, everyday :-)
Hey Bro :-)
I was wondering how I'd use them, and if I'd switch my category files from my computer.
Go well :-)