Too many ADS is Super Annoying…Don’t be Annoying
Like every human on the planet, because we have to eat… I get bored with food quite often. Therefore I occasionally open one of the 200 emails I get daily from the 10 (Probably more but I’ve lost count really) ”Recipe” niche websites I subscribe to.
And every single one ☝️of them have ads, and I mean MULTIPLE ads that pop-up as I scroll down the page. And they pop-up from all directions and even land on top of each other… and some of these ads are videos playin.
On a mobile device this SO ANNOYING! Sorry not sorry about yelling this! But please! All it does is scream “Neediness”! I mean really! And just turns me off because the “Close” options are either too tiny to actually touch with my skinniest finger or nonexistent all together.
In my internet user-buyer opinion DONT be like this as a website owner. I get it, I do! They’re providing Free information, a recipe and require some way of monitizing but there is a point of far too much for ONE ☝️ reader to handle.
I feel like marketing “In Good Taste” is a total thing of the past! Haha, did you catch the pun there? 👅
And don’t even get me started about the “Pharmaceutical” ads on TV. In addition to those, because I can’t even talk about those… Last night we happened to fall victim to an ad for EHarmany, where they portrayed “The Perfect Partner” to find, is The One ☝️ who enjoys and is more than willing to POP your bursting at the seams pimple!
What? I mean really! That’s a great benefit but what has our society come to? That a company paid millions to advertise this point! That this was the best pitch from a marketing firm to reach people of today. I hate watching TV! I hate marketing! Eye roll 🙄…
But look 👀 where I’m at! In THE World of marketing. So please 🙏 be LESS Annoying 😁 All I wanna do is eat! In peace! Lol
PS. - If you didn’t catch the humor in this post, please don’t comment. Because that would further annoy me! 😉
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Ads has actually been probably ranked in the top 5 most annoying things on the internet. I would probably believe that it is ranked number 1 lol!
Could you image if WA had a bunch of pop up ads, like when watching a class and there is a pop-up ad!🤣
Everyone would leave the platform!
Usually, “pop up” ads pissed me off.
Especially on a mobile phone. When I am trying to get some work done, and something comes up and blocks my entire screen. It’s very annoying.
I know that a lot of people say that pop-ups work. (Yep, even WA does this) But I don’t like it when they block my progress.
I don’t mind an “exit” pop-up, because, if I am exiting, it means I am finished.
But if it is a pop-up trying to UPsell me or get me to upgrade, or even notifying me of something THEY think is important for ME, yes… it’s IRRITATING 😠
Thanks for posting this, Holly, it allowed me to vent. LOL 😝
When subscribing to google adsense, does this happen? I haven't subscribed yet. However, another wa member had and her website had two or three ads on every page and was annoying. Is there a way to control how many ads google puts on your website and the kind?
It can but you have the option to adjust volume of ads and you can exclude pages. Totally customizable.
What is a good number of ads to set it too? One per post? And where in the post? Middle, end or near beginning
Hi - one thing to be aware of with AdSense is that the ads are unlikely to be connected to your niche.
They are targeted to what your visitor was previously searching for.
So, say, for example, I had been looking at car insurance, then when I visit your site, I will see ads for insurance, not anything related to your niche.
Every visitor will see something different.
Excellent post and great advice! I know it's a necessary evil, so to speak, but I can't imagine ANYONE who enjoys being bombarded with ads. I can't believe Eharmony did an ad like that... it may be true, but ew! 🤢
I really appreciate your sense of humor about it, too! Way to channel frustrations in a positive manner! Thanks for this enjoyable and beneficial post!
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Love the humorous post Holly and I totally agree that sites which just plaster ad after ad on top of each other are a complete turn off and I leave them immediately!
I have absolutely nothing against a few ads here or there though, but when they take over and the UX is seriously diminished, I have no time for them my friend! :-)