It's National Bird Day - A message to those who fly!

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If you're reading this... here on WA, you're typically looking to fly (Be successful on line making money) or maybe you've already taken flight. We are all on separate and different journey's ... all over the planet!

As a coach to competitive colleagues in my profession the message above
"For those who take flight... the sky is wide enough for all the birds to spread their wings!" was my frequent reply, that also became my motto when asked why they should share the SECRETS to their success.

You see as humans we have a natural tendency to NOT want to share these secrets for the fear that if someone else replicates our secrets then their value to us is somehow diminished. And our fear is that we will be less successful if others around us learn our SECRETS and become successful using the exact same formula... they in essence would be stealing from us and our success!

The message has a couple of strong elements to it that I'd like to magnify and bring to light.

"For those who take flight" - This element is key. Because not everyone has the gumption and the courage to even look over the edge of the nest. Most people chose to stay in their proverbial safe zone of life (Their 9 to 5 job for example). Therefore those who take flight (To explore their supplemental earning options) here at WA are a more RARE type of Bird. In that they have found a community of like minded Birds to fly with!

"The sky is wide enough" - This element speaks to the many paths (Niche's) that are out there. Or ways to be successful. But as you well know there are many Birds in flight in certain niches. So how does one become successful?

That is THE QUESTION that all who come here to WA want to know the answer to. But it can also be said that... there is NO answer! Why? Because there is an infinite number of answers to this question. Such is the ultimate dilemma!

"For all the birds to spread their wings" - This element holds the TRUE ANSWER! Each of our feathers are unique and it takes FREE WILL to make choices. These choices will lead each of us to make both steps forward and steps backward.

It's only when we choose to keep making choices forward, despite making inevitable mistakes and never giving up... will we be able to SEE the "forest for the trees". From above, flying higher. Keep going... it's the air beneath your wings that will take you there!

Birds fly together in a "V" formation. The bird at the front is the strongest. They have the most experience and know the direction of success (Kyle & Carson). They at certain times in flight will switch positions with another bird (WA Ambassadors for example) in the pattern (On the WA platform). Allowing themselves to rest and regain their energy while more easily soaring in a back position. All the time knowing that the FLOCK is for the most part... continuing on their journey!

Some birds may change direction. Some will fall from the sky. For a multitude of reasons. But for those that continue on and keep looking forward...they learn that Success is not a name of a destination.

They choose to keep flapping their wings, even through the rain and the cold and hot dusty wind storms. They keep their focus forward. Eventually realizing that the definition of TIME is is MOVEMENT!

The point is (And if you've made it this far, I know you've been dying to find out) is... Don't be afraid to SHARE your SECRETS! Many here do on WA and it's why most people are here. It garners respect and builds trust.

Thank you Kyle! Thank you Carson! For building, nurturing and continually encouraging those on this FLIGHT to have wind beneath our wings!

And thank you to all the other Birds (People here on WA) who fly along side me! I am so very grateful and appreciative for all you do!

Keep flying... Keep soaring! Find joy in the journey... that is success! (At least that's my definition as of today, at this moment). ;)

Thank you for reading my ramblings.
(Habitual user of the dotdotdot)
Yep that's me... sorry not sorry

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Recent Comments


Excellent post very promising for many beginners here at WA.

Great message, great metaphors, Holly. But what I loved the most was the ending. I never noticed your use of "dotdotdot" until you signed off. They must be exactly where they are for a reason. I use that convention a lot also. Also sorry not sorry.
Yours, Donna (aka Deelilah)
P.S. I noticed your username. Are you a trader of stuff like stocks, crypto, etc?

A fabulous message here Holly, thanks for the share and keep on flying my friend!

This is an Excellent Blog, Holly. It reminds me a lot of a story I read back when I was a kid. It has always been a favorite story for me ever since. You might even know of it. Here is a link to find out about it. I Highly Recommend it to everyone.

The book is "Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach"

I hope you all check it out, know it, and love it as I do.

Blessed Be.


I believe I do know that book. Although it’s been a hot second, so I’ll check it out again.

Thank you

Most Welcome. I am going to have to pull out my old copy to reread it. :) Blessed Be.

What an excellent message and analogy, Holly!

Thanks for the inspiration!



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