8 Reasons Why Getting Started is So Critical

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Didyou ever have dreams of a project that you really wanted to do, but you justnever got around to it?

Everytime you thought about it, you found a reason not to get started on it.

Howmight your life be different now if you had just taken action - taken thatfirst step - gotten started on your masterpiece?

Doyou see something familiar in projects you always wanted to do?

Evenwith the best plans, nothing happens until you actually get started!

Considerthese reasons why being able to get started is a critical life skill:


Nothingactually happens until you get started.

Allthe planning, scheming, and visualising in the world won’t move the needle.

Atsome point, you have to start doing something that will actually produceresults.

Youdon’t receive any results until you finally take action and begin.


Momentum.Getting started can be challenging, but the progress builds with time. Once youbegin, things start happening.

Asyou continue, the magnitude of your results grows exponentially. But you haveto get over the hump of getting started.


Youlearn while doing.

Studyingis good but learning on the job is better.

You’llnever learn more about writing, internet marketing, sales, or playing the pianothan you’ll learn by actually doing it.


Toomuch planning leads to inaction. It’s easy to fall into the trap of planning.

Thedeeper you plan, the more detailed and tedious it becomes.

Youquickly reach a point where you can’t find a definitive answer because thingsbecome too vague as you look further and further out.

Beginbefore you become trapped by your planning habit.


Itmakes the future easier.

Gettingstarted with something new becomes a habit.

Ifyou can get started today, the next project will be that much easier to start.


Yourself-esteem will get a huge boost.

Wesilently loathe ourselves when we procrastinate for too long.

Weknow that we’re simply too scared to begin and to risk failure.

You’llbe much more pleased with yourself after you get started.


Youreach your goals faster.

Thisseems obvious, but few people consider it.

Ifyou had started chasing your goal a year earlier, you’d be successful a yearearlier, too.


Youchange how you see yourself.

Whenyou take action, you begin to see yourself as someone that takes action.

Thisperception of yourself will eventually lead to creating a habit of gettingstarted quickly.

Nowthat you see all these reasons why getting started is so important, you’lllikely want to get started on something!

Buthow? Starting is often the hardest part!

Toget yourself over that hump, break your project down into small, achievablesteps.

Ifthose steps look too hard, break them down even further until you get to onesmall action you can take to get started.

Thendo it!

Takethat one small action! You’ll be glad you did!

Much love..


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Recent Comments


Love this Hannah!

Without getting the ball rolling we all stay in a static place my friend!

Very good advice. :)

Great post, Hannah. Just get started!


You are right, Hannah! Getting started is usually the hardest part! A nice list here!



Yes getting started is one of the hardest things to do. Special when it is something new and you have no idea what you're doing. I wish you the best on everything and always know there are a ton of people here to help.

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