Take the Stairs

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I recently read of a study that showed that only 2% of the population take the stairs when there is an alternative. I guess it makes sense. We are animals after all, and as such we have evolved to take advantage of an easy opportunity when it's presented.

But here is the problem we now face as humans: literally everything is convenient, and I would guess that about 98% of people always take the most convenient option in their life. I'd also guess that about 98% of people aren't entirely satisfied with their life. Coincidence? I doubt it.

Have you ever been compelled to read a story about a person who did nothing but the bare minimum, and never even ventured to try anything?

If you're here at WA, I'm guessing you're looking for more than the average, mundane, existence that is the 9-5 slog for a paycheck. If that describes your motivation in any way, pay attention to whether you're always doing the most convenient thing.

Then ask yourself whether you honestly believe that attitude towards life will create the kind of life you dream of.

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Spot on! My issue is that I try to start new things, then get completely disinterested after beginning. Not that I am not interested in starting a business and the niche is something i truly enjoy, but just lose all motivation.

I also think that part of it may be failure to establish a routine. My time in the military, we mostly had a routine. Be at work at a certain time, lunch a certain time, get off work at a certain time and it became routine that it was hard to mess it up. I think if I find a routine I wont take the easy way lol. Hope this comment makes sense.

I know the feeling of losing interest. I've chased more than a few squirrels in my days. I think the routine definitely helps. For me, I get on WA and work on my website as soon as I get my coffee poured and before the distractions of the day start to mount. I find it makes a big difference.

Haha wish I could do that. The problem for me is the time frame I have to work on this. I usually do it at night after my kids go to sleep.

I may need to block an hour or so to where I go into my office and tell my wife and kids not to bug me. See how that works lol

Absolutely Haven, nothing worth having in life will come if we always take the easy option and avoid the stairs!!

Thanks for the share my friend!

Always take the stairs...

The alternative is called escalator... yuk

Escalators are terrible.

Unless you fell off the stairs...

You make a valid point, Haven!


Where find these stats?

I received the information in a newsletter that I subscribe to. The source was a man named Michael Easter who wrote a book on the topic called "The Comfort Crisis".

Thanks download a kindle sample.

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