About GuyW1
Rank 43566
356 followers Joined October 2018
Well Hi everybody, my name is Guy and I'm from the UK. I'm very pleased to be here in this amazing community of knowledge and





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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

As my website name is slightly different from the old siterubix name, when it comes to doing my first site content post and keyword research, which domain name or part of do or

Domain name is not what Google bases indexing on so focus
on your new topic using those keywords :)

Use whatever site you want to be your primary focus...in this case I would assume the new one. That said I focus on the topic of the post for my keywords and not so much my site name.

Hi Guy,

How I do my posts and begin my keyword research is as follows:

First I think about the main topic of my site. I then ask what do the visitors to my site want. What are they interested in. Is there more than one thing they might like to read about?

Then I choose that one idea. I take that idea to Jaxxy and I pop it in and see what comes back.

Now I let the numbers tell me what keyword to focus on. I look for keywords with good avg traffic and traffic greater than 30. I look for a keyword that has a QSR of less than 100. And an SEO that is above 80. Don't kill yourself over the numbers just try to find something close.

I then use that keyword for the topic of my post. I put it in the title and also throughout the post. But I make sure it doesn't take away from the readability of my post. I want my post to read natural. But contain all the SEO benefits.

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask questions if I'm not clear.

- Glen B

Thanks Glen, had not thought about SEO to be honest. This site was originally an experimental one but as it got ranked I thought I'd take it a bit further. Perhaps I'll still keep it as an experimental, make mistakes and learn from that ready for the next one.


It's a work in progress Guy.

You can continually improve any site till it gets the results you like.

- Glen B

The new name Guy.

That's the site you want to optimize for search engines.

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Keyword searchdomain name changefirst authorship?

Keyword searchdomain name changefirst authorship?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

As my website name is slightly different from the old siterubix name, when it comes to doing my first site content post and keyword research, which domain name or part of do or

Domain name is not what Google bases indexing on so focus
on your new topic using those keywords :)

Use whatever site you want to be your primary focus...in this case I would assume the new one. That said I focus on the topic of the post for my keywords and not so much my site name.

Hi Guy,

How I do my posts and begin my keyword research is as follows:

First I think about the main topic of my site. I then ask what do the visitors to my site want. What are they interested in. Is there more than one thing they might like to read about?

Then I choose that one idea. I take that idea to Jaxxy and I pop it in and see what comes back.

Now I let the numbers tell me what keyword to focus on. I look for keywords with good avg traffic and traffic greater than 30. I look for a keyword that has a QSR of less than 100. And an SEO that is above 80. Don't kill yourself over the numbers just try to find something close.

I then use that keyword for the topic of my post. I put it in the title and also throughout the post. But I make sure it doesn't take away from the readability of my post. I want my post to read natural. But contain all the SEO benefits.

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask questions if I'm not clear.

- Glen B

Thanks Glen, had not thought about SEO to be honest. This site was originally an experimental one but as it got ranked I thought I'd take it a bit further. Perhaps I'll still keep it as an experimental, make mistakes and learn from that ready for the next one.


It's a work in progress Guy.

You can continually improve any site till it gets the results you like.

- Glen B

The new name Guy.

That's the site you want to optimize for search engines.

See more comments

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I've got through the first level of certification and can embark on the second level, however I'm in two minds whether to go and do the Affiliate Bootcamp next so that I can le

Since you can immediately start promoting WA from already established sources(friends, family, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) I would do the Bootcamp. It takes time to establish your niche website, so that way you can start earning a little bit sooner. Plus promoting WA is already an established way to make money, whereas your niche site is probably not quite ready to make money. You can't go wrong either way.

Nice go for it

For me you follow either route and then FOCUS, follow one course until successful. I've gone down a niche route but my second niche when I know a whole lot more will be the affiliate bootcamp, which I believe I will be able to power through even though the competition once ready to go will be greater

To deviate or not, that is the question?

To deviate or not, that is the question?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I've got through the first level of certification and can embark on the second level, however I'm in two minds whether to go and do the Affiliate Bootcamp next so that I can le

Since you can immediately start promoting WA from already established sources(friends, family, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) I would do the Bootcamp. It takes time to establish your niche website, so that way you can start earning a little bit sooner. Plus promoting WA is already an established way to make money, whereas your niche site is probably not quite ready to make money. You can't go wrong either way.

Nice go for it

For me you follow either route and then FOCUS, follow one course until successful. I've gone down a niche route but my second niche when I know a whole lot more will be the affiliate bootcamp, which I believe I will be able to power through even though the competition once ready to go will be greater

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