2013 Marketing Strategies
Ever think of wanting to grow your online marketing business. Read these guidelines and sure it will bring fortune into your business.
* Let relatives, co-workers, and other associates know about it
* Blog about free items, and contests, on popular social networking sites such as facebook, pinterest, google +, and twitter
* Create attractive prizes and free promotional items
* Place advertisements in local magazines and newspapers
* Classified advertisements in non-electronic media
* Advertisements via broadcasts
* Participate in expositions, trade fairs, and symposiums in your field
* Make your own business postcards, fancy door hangers, attractive and professional looking business cards and flyers
* Obtain sponsors locally
* Streamer advertisements on similar blogs
* Take part in panel discussions in your field
* PPC advertising (social media and major search engines, etc,)
* Compose and send out free articles
* Send your lists out in the form of email correspondence
* Connect with other colleagues who are participating in similar ventures
* Search for people who want to participate as affiliates
* Utilize promotions such as sweeptakes or special incentives for your affiliates
* Propose discounts for important affiliates or business associates
* Develop a unique signature for your email
* Organically promote to auto responders
* Bargain for no cost (or low cost) direct mailings
* Make and post videos on YouTube, as well as on other video streaming sites
* Develop a trial dialog for bloggers or associates to interview you
* Include promotions in other products "thank you" pages
* See if comparable product owners will allow you to include promos on their "thank you" pages
* Improve search engine optimization (SEO)
* Be a guest writer on a blog
* Join a relevant blog and start blogging
* If someone mentions your URL, compose a testimonial
* Make a BlogTalkPadio.com performance
* Appear on a Podcast
* Host teleseminars at no charge
* Respond to some of the questions posted on Yahoo Answers
* Put up attractive PDFs on Scribd.com
* Distribute news on your business or product
* Distribute new releases
Recent Comments
Thank you Kyle. Anything for WA community I'm very glad to help and share anything of what I have learned in here. I hope the guyz like it coz its the least I can do for all the things you have done for me to learn about this matter in which I have no knowledge of. But with all your help and teachings, little by little I am beginning to understand now. It's really great to be here and I'm glad to be part of a great people. Thanks again for all your hardwork and dedication to help others.
Thank you for the TO DO list. It will be fun to cross them off as they are completed during 2013.
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Good points, thanks!
Thank you