My First Amazon Check - It works!


I just received my first check from Amazon. It was only $139 US but I know the next month is double that and it's steadily increasing.

My website is now approaching about 7,000 visits a month and about half of that traffic clicks across to Amazon.

It was only back in October '18, about 8 months ago that I was worried about getting my Amazon account cancelled because of no sales. Here's a snapshot of my first few sales.

Back then there was less than 20 clicks a day going to Amazon.

Compare that to the last 30 days now.

What a difference 8 months makes. Clicks now average between 100 to 200 per day, and there was not a single day without a sale. There's usually between 1 and 15 sales a day.

The thing that started making it happen? I started doing 'Best Of' posts.

I got onto a training by WA member @Zarina who referred me to a training by WA member @dylanrieger called 'How To Create A 6 Figure Website'.

Since I started doing 'Best Of' posts, I've done about 20 now, and 16 of them are in my top 20 most visited posts. Even better, about 10 of them are ranked page 1 number 1 on a google search.

I've done individual product reviews before, but never made many sales. Now with '10 Best' post of about 3,000-4,000 words there's sales every day. It works!

At the current rate of traffic increase by 2,000 visits/month I'm hoping for a $1,000US check from Amazon by December.

I'm posting this because I still consider myself a Newbie and hope this encourages other Newbies to keep doing it - even if you see no results. Just follow the training and learn as much as you can from other WA members.

Thanks also to Kyle, Carson and Nathaniell.

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Recent Comments


Congrats! That's amazing, well done. Very encouraging.

Thanks, Mick.

Awesome stuff and great work. Thanks for sharing it with all of us especially a newbie like me !

Hope it encourages other newbies, it's easy to become discouraged when you don't see results, just keep doing it.

Amazing to see it all working! congratulations : )

Congratulations Greg!
All the best moving forward.

Yes, it works, congrats!

Great job! Your success is inspiring, and I know we're going to be reading more of them from you in the future!

Congrats Greg. Keep hustling

Thanks, Harshal

Congrats Greg well done.

Keep going forward and continue to enjoy all you do.


Thanks, Andre. I'll just keep doing it.

You are welcome Greg and as it is working for you then just rinse and repeat
wishing you well


Congrats. That is very encouraging.

Thanks, Nate.

Good news for you, and proves that the training is correct and good.
All the best
Darren :)

Thanks, Darren.

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