The Power Of Your Smartphone!

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(Title image by DALL-E 3)

Hi WA Friends!

It's amazing how things seem to change, especially as we get older. I was talking to some of the Gen-Alpha kids in my family last weekend, and none of them have ever seen a landline telephone! Tomorrow, they're coming over our house to see the one we keep running because we have some elderly friends who refuse to call us on our cell phones. We also use the landline as a backup for the cellular transmitter on our home alarm system.

Smartphones have changed everything, and they made the world mobile from a social and informational point of view!

Most people at Wealthy Affiliate (and elsewhere) are surprised to learn just how much I use my iPhone throughout the course of an average day, not just for recording new guitar riffs to remember later on! Lol 😎

The majority of everything I produce for online marketing is done on my iPhone and emailed to myself for finishing on my laptop when that becomes necessary. That keeps me productive since my wife and I spend significant amounts of time out and about. During that time, I'm dictating things into my phone whenever I get a chance. I began doing this in short bursts while I was walking around the hospital to see patients during my medical rounds, and it grew from there.

There's Power In Your Phone!

Smartphones are more powerful than most people realize. If you compare them to the computers that helped NASA put the first man on the moon in 1969, you’d be amazed. Back then, those computers were huge, filled rooms, and had much less processing power than the phone in your pocket right now! The computer NASA used, called the Apollo Guidance Computer, had about 64KB of memory. Your smartphone? It has around 4GB (RAM, not photo storage memory) or more. Your smartphone has the potential to be millions of times more powerful! So, no, they're not just for friending on Facebook or posting on X while you're at a stop light in your car. Lol πŸ˜†

With this kind of power, your phone can be a powerful tool for your business. You can use it to run many parts of your online marketing, stay organized, and even use artificial intelligence (AI) apps that can make life easier.

Smartphone Powered AI Apps

AI apps can help you with just about everything, and having them on your smartphone can really help with tasks like writing content, making videos, or even analyzing data for your marketing campaigns.

The new generation of smartphones, like the Galaxy S23, Google Pixel 9 Pro, and iPhone 16 Pro are being created around the concept of using AI in the easiest and most efficient ways possible at home, work, and on the go.

For more info, see:

Although there are a mind-boggling number of AI platforms available, with more coming every day, I do most everything with OpenAI and my phone. Traditional Google searches have become something of a last resort after using AI.

Your Smartphone Helps You Stay Organized

One of the best things about your smartphone is how it helps keep you organized. Simple apps like a calendar or timer can make a big difference in your day. You can set reminders for meetings, deadlines, or even when it’s time to take a break. The timer can help you stay focused on tasks by setting specific amounts of time to work.

Staying organized is key to managing a successful online business. And with your smartphone, everything you need is right there in your hand, so you won’t miss a beat!

Don’t Get Distracted By AI "Shiny Objects"

AI has the potential to be the biggest "shiny object" in online marketing history because it’s so easy to get distracted by every new AI tool that comes out, especially on a smartphone! Marketers are always looking for ways to stay ahead, and AI promises to do that, but just because an AI tool seems amazing doesn’t mean it’s necessary for your business.

You need to stay focused on what truly matters: your goals and your customers. Using too many AI tools or platforms can become more of a distraction than a benefit. It’s important to make sure any tool you use actually helps your business, rather than just being the latest trend.

Plus, it can become really expensive. Many of these AI tools charge monthly fees, and if you’re not careful, those fees can add up fast.

The Big Smartphone Payoff!

The more time you save by using your smartphone when you're outside your office, the more time you'll have to do the things you enjoy! I use the time savings to be with my family, play music, and watch movies.

In this super busy world we need to be as efficient as possible to have time for ourselves!

Tell Me What You Think!

I used my iPhone to create most of the content in this post over the past few days while I was outside my home!

Are you using your smartphone to help run your business, especially during times when you don't have access to a computer or tablet?

What are some of the most common ways you use your smartphone to be productive?

Let me know in the comments, AND ...

Keep On Rocking It! 🀘

Double the Heads, Double the Shred! Lol πŸ˜‚ (Pin by DALL-E 3)

Frank 🎸

~ 85% Human written content.

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Recent Comments


Hi Frank,
A great post, and I am an iPhone man too. I relied on the latest and greatest cel phones as they came to market, BlueBerry, BlackBerry, Fliphones Nextel was huge and then the iPhone came along and I have never changed since, I still don't know all of its uses, but my young helper, helps me to keep up.
When I was in the peak o my business I was craving for live video to expand my little empire, now we use it every day.
I remember how VOIP made it's appearance, and that was quite the game changer, taking your desk phone with you wherever you went.

Hi Robby

Yup, same here!

I had the first mobile analog car phone. It was housed in a big case, along with a heavy battery. I used to keep it in the back seat of the car and had to pull over to make a call. It had a long telescopic antenna for the reception! Lol

My medical office had VOIP-enabled phones in every room.

The iPhone certainly was a game-changer, and now, the newest generations of phones are being built around AI!

Enjoy Your Weekend! 😎
Frank 🎸

My smartphone is smarter than me! LOLOL

Hahaha, but not true, Howard! 😎

Have a great weekend! πŸ₯³
Frank 🀘🎸

Thanks, Frank! You too!!

We have lots of fun things set up for this weekend! 😎😎

What are you doing?

We're heading to Newport tomorrow before it gets too cold to spend time at the beach and on a friend's boat. On Sunday, we're going to Boston to one of our favorite museums, and we'll get our costumes for an upcoming Halloween party while we're there.

How about you?

Nice! I love boats. I grew up on Long Island and visited Newport as a kid.

Pam and I have the RV in Shipshewana, IN. If the weather cooperates, we're thinking of a bike ride. They have great rails-to-trails in the Elkhart, IN, area.

Are you going as a guitar for Halloween? LOL

I saw a Pink Floyd concert on Long Island in 1988 at the Nassau Coliseum. They recorded the show and sold it as a VHS tape, and now I have it on Blu-ray.

That bike ride sounds excellent! πŸ‘πŸ‘

Yeah, the headless man playing a guitar. Hahaha! You just gave me a great idea! πŸ˜ƒ

Don't forget to get pictures of what you come up with! Sounds like a future post.

Lol 😎

I know a few gen-Zers who I showed my old rotary phone to, Frank. You'd think they were looking at a UFO!

One more head on that monster's shoulders would turn him into King Ghidorah!

Appreciate the post! 🀘🎸
Isaiah 😁

Hi Isaiah

Yeah, ROTARY is like Smithsonian stuff today! Lol πŸ˜‚
I even remember when the first three numbers on a rotary phone were called letters, like "Gaspee," etc.

Hahaha, you really know your monsters. πŸ‘πŸ‘

King Ghidorah is also called "Monster Zero!" 😎

Keep On Rockin' It! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Hello Frank, awesome post in this digital age everyone has a mobile device on them, we live of our device . From doing our daily chores or playing games to doing some work ...our smartphones are a part of us now. Technology is great if we use it properly. That is one of the reasons that my niche is in smartphones,IoTs and AI health wearable devices. The health industry is making great use of these devices for patients and the elderly for everyone in general.

Hi Jesse

Yes, smartphones and trackers like Fitbit and Apple Watch have helped revolutionize the healthcare industry, especially for the sick and elderly! πŸ‘

The sky's the limit with all the good they can do! 😎

Frank 🎸

I certainly couldn't live without my smartphone Frank... there is so much I accomplish when on the move!

Aa for my parents (who are only a couple of years older than you)!!!

They don't want to know!! They both have mobiles but.. they must be 25 years old!!

When I speak with them it's on a dial up landline only!!

Some people can't change and I respect that, I can be very old fashioned with certain things as well!!

Have a Rockin' weekend buddy!!


Yeah, that's certainly true, Nick.

I need to have all the latest and greatest electronic toys, so I hope I don't get like them as I continue to age! Lol πŸ˜‚

I had an elderly patient who asked me to show him how to call his daughter on his cell phone each time he came in for an office visit, and I was happy to keep doing it. It was one of those flip-top phones that couldn't even text, but he just couldn't get the hang of it.

My uncle used to carry around his cell phone with it turned off because he was convinced that his phone company charged him an additional daily fee for keeping it on all the time.

I would be totally lost without my phone!

I'll often plug a guitar into my iPhone and use the GarageBand app to have access to a complete digital recording studio; quick and dirty musical fun! πŸ˜ƒ

I'm currently heading to the beach for lunch and a stroll while I'm writing this on my smartphone. My wife is driving. πŸ–οΈ

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

All so true Frank and I doubt you'll turn out like my folks!!

Hope you enjoyed your lunch on the beach and have a Rockin' weekend my friend!


Yeah, we had a great time, Nick.

It’s important to do something nice on Friday because it helps set the tone for the weekend! Lol πŸ˜ƒ

Someday the young kids will probably be saying something like β€œThese old folks can’t even work a transporter. They drive around in something called an automobile!” Hahaha πŸ˜†

Enjoy your Saturday! πŸ₯³πŸ»
Frank 🎸

That's great to hear Frank but... how many spots are there on the beach where you can fire up a guitar???

The youth of today will be teaching us all soon....I hope!!


Hi Nick

Way back in my high school days, I would bring my girlfriend and an acoustic guitar to the beach. We'd sit on a big stone wall, and I'd play while she sang. We'd usually leave with over ten dollars, which could buy a nice lunch for two in the early 1970s. Not too bad for a few hours of fun!

My beach busking days are definitely over! Lol πŸ–οΈ πŸ˜†

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

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