Navigating Pinterest's Algorithm: Boosting Impressions Through Follower Engagement!

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(Title image by DALL-E 3)

Hi WA Friends!

Although I'm always in the mood to talk music, this post may help you if you're not making consistent progress with your Pinterest account, especially if it's in a niche that is unpopular on the platform, like my guitar niche.

While it might seem intuitive that increasing the number of pins would directly lead to a surge in visibility, are you noticing that your overall impressions are growing at an annoyingly slow rate or have plateaued?

I began to notice this when the Pinterest business account for my guitar niche hit about 700,00 monthly impressions. Here are some of the things that helped me understand why and continue to slowly move forward to over 850,000.

(Thirty-day performance metrics overview for my guitar niche.)

Disclaimer: I might add something a little musical at the end of the post. Lol 😎

Understanding Pinterest's Algorithm

Pinterest's algorithm prioritizes content based on relevance and user engagement rather than sheer volume. This means that simply flooding your boards with pins doesn't guarantee they'll appear prominently in users' feeds or search results. The algorithm takes into account factors like the quality of the pins, engagement rates, and the behaviors of your followers and audience.

The Limitations of Increasing Pin Volume

While adding more pins can enrich your boards, without adequate engagement, they may not receive the visibility you expect. Pins that don't resonate with users won't necessarily translate to higher impressions.

I like to try new concepts in "test groups" of 10 to 20 pins. I let them marinate for about 4 to 8 weeks and then see how they are doing in the analytics. If they are showing growth in impressions, engagements, saves, and outbound clicks then I create more of that type.

Sometimes, finding just the right pin concept can give your metrics a kick in the butt!

Growing a Dedicated Follower Base

One effective strategy to counteract this plateau is to focus on growing a dedicated follower base. Pinterest followers are more likely to see your content organically, as the platform shows new pins from accounts users follow directly into their home feeds.

By increasing your follower count, you can increase the initial reach of each pin, which can lead to higher engagement rates. This engagement signals to the algorithm that your content is valuable, potentially boosting its visibility to a wider audience.

The more popular your pin niche, the easier it will generally be to gain followers. It took quite a while for my guitar niche to attain over 500 followers.

Collecting a large number of followers who have no interest in your niche can actually hurt you in the Pinterest algorithm because it will lower metrics like your engagement rate.

Engaging With Your Existing Followers

Engaging with your existing followers is equally important. Encouraging them to save, comment on, or click through your pins can enhance your content's performance metrics.

Hosting interactive events like contests or asking questions in your pin descriptions can foster a community around your brand.

Additionally, collaborating with influencers or other businesses can introduce your account to new audiences, helping to grow your follower base organically.

Maintaining High-Quality, Relevant Content

It's crucial to maintain high-quality, relevant content. Tailoring your pins to match the interests of your target audience can improve engagement. Utilizing keyword-rich descriptions and hashtags can enhance discoverability in search results.

Regularly analyzing your Pinterest analytics will provide insights into which pins resonate most with your audience, allowing you to refine your strategy accordingly. You can boost these pins with paid ads to maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Let Me Know What You Think!

Has this information given you some ideas for how to jumpstart your Pinterest progress? What other things have you found helpful in boosting Pinterest impressions and engagement?

Let me know in the comments, AND ...

Keep On Rockin' It! 🀘

You never get a second chance to make a good first impression! (Pin by DALL-E 3)

Frank 🎸

~ 80% Human-written content.

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Recent Comments


I appreciate the info on this, Frank!

Continue to succeed as the numbers go a little higher.

Myra β™₯️

You're welcome, Myra.

Have an excellent weekend! πŸ₯³
Frank 🎸

Alright, you as well!

Myra β™₯️


Excellent info Frank and it's great to see that your Pinterest numbers continue to climb!!

I'll get into it one day!

Have a wonderfully Rocking weekend my friend!


Thanks, Nick

Never start anything new that involves work on the weekend! Lol πŸ₯³πŸ»πŸΉπŸ₯ƒ

There's no time better than Monday or even Tuesday, though. 😎

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Totally agree with you there Frank, and it's Tuesday for me!!

Rock On!!


Nice!, Tuesday for me, too, Nick! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜Ž

Frank 🀘🎸


Monday is my day of recovery!!


Lol πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸΉπŸ»β›±οΈ


Dear Frank, my September is all about Pinterest growth as you know!

What I recently discovered is the POWER OF RE-PINS.

If you select a pin from another creator which is already performing well (within your niche of course) and you repurpose it with some graphic changes, new title, description and hashtags, seo friendly and related to the trends Pinterest is showing you in "trends", that will help you grow faster!

Of course, there is a netiquette for this: always give credits to the original creator, but repins are allowed and even chat gtp suggests them as a way to increase the daily number pins.

I generally create 2 original pins daily and 1 repin. My dream goal is to create 48 pins a day (why 48 and not 50? I will explain that in a post :)) and I working towards that goal creating graphic templates.

I am waiting the end of the month to write the case study about my account :)

Hi Romy

That's a great idea! πŸ‘

However, be aware that people can report or block you for modifying their graphics, so consider asking permission from the pinner.

I have blocked a few people who have stolen my graphics, which means my pins no longer show up in their feed, and they can't directly download my images, although they can always screenshot them.

I'm looking forward to reading your case study! 😎

Have a great weekend! πŸ₯³
Frank 🎸

It is a practise to use with moderation, of course, and always by giving credit to the original creator. :)

In my pin description, I always give the credits to the original creator, by writing the name as it appears on the original pin.

But, consider this: most of the pins are re-pinned so so many times by different people that sometimes is not even possible to understand who is the original creator.

When on the contrary is possible to give credit, if a person is really interested in the brand of the original creator, can go and look for them on Pinterest.

So, it is true that sometimes re-pins seem like steeling other people's work, but if you properly credit them, they can be discovered by your audience thanks to your re-pin.

Always using with moderation, though!

P.S. I saw people the same technique to grow Youtube short channel, psssssss! Let's no say it loud! Lol!!!

That's true, Romy! πŸ‘

I tend to be a little "over careful" because people on social channels often do unanticipated things.

Keep on killing it with Pinterest! 😎

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Awesome Frank. I have been doing Pinterest for a while, and my numbers have been going down; thanks for the info; at least I know where to look and what to do :-)

I have been more consistent with scheduling out Pinterest, so it's one a day; I'll let it marinate, lol, and see if that helps any.

As always, you rock πŸ‘πŸŽΆπŸ˜ŽπŸŽΈπŸΊ

Thanks, Kerri! πŸ™

Go into Pinterest's "audience insights" and try to find categories and interests that overlap with your niche.

Let's say that you have a Travel niche and find out that people in that niche also have a high affinity for Gardening. Try creating five or ten pins that incorporate both Travel and Gardening. Let them marinate, and then check out the analytics. You might grab engagement from the gardeners. It will help you in the Pinterest algorithm since the pins are about travel, too. 😎

Have a Great Weekend! πŸ₯³
Frank 🎸

Thanks for sharing, Frank!

I am a modest Pinterest user, but given that Google givethe and taketh away, I need to get at it!

Yes, your post was helpful!

You're welcome, Howard.

Yeah, give it a try. Pinterest is very easy to automate with AI to create pins quickly, which is why I use it for my guitar niche.

I also love creating pins of guitars and amps! Lol 😎

Have a great weekend! πŸ₯³
Frank 🎸

Thank you, Sir! Have a great weekend, too!

Thanks, Howard, I always do! 😎

Frank 🎸

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