3 Riddles

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3 Riddles

I am a number that is found in nature,
In shells and leaves and human stature.
In music, art, and architecture,
I guide design with perfect measure.
I am a key to efficient combustion,
In systems that produce no pollution.
I am a symbol of renewal and growth,
And guide us towards a sustainable oath.

What am I?

Tell me?

I am a number that is infinite and true,
My digits never end, it's always anew.
In circles and spheres, I hold the key,
To their size and volume, it's easy to see.
From math to science, I play a vital role,
In geometry and physics, I'm a constant whole.
I'm irrational and transcendental, a mystery to some,
But to those who know me, I'm essential and fun.

What am I?

Tell me?

I am a number that appears in many ways,
In nature, art, and science, in all its array.
In circles and spirals, I am the key,
To their size and proportion, it's easy to see.
My value is infinite and true,
My digits never end, always anew.
I am a mystery, irrational and odd,
But to those who know me, I'm a mathematical god.
Yet, there's another number that holds a special place,
In design and harmony, it sets the pace.
In nature and architecture, it guides the way,
To a world that's balanced and harmonious every day.
Together, we create a world that's divine,
A world that's perfectly balanced and in line.

What are we?

Tell me?

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Recent Comments


Answering riddles with riddles... how original is that!
WOW πŸ‘πŸ˜ ty

A double chocolate layer cake, Fleeky! 🍰

Hahaha πŸ˜‹πŸ‘

Fibonacci, Pi, Fibonacci?

pie AND gold...

The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.


Hot out of the oven comes fresh golden pie.


Well done, Dave!

I was pondering, but could not figure it out, Fleeky. Nicely done!


No worries, enjoy the pie

Haha! Thanks, Fleeky!

Great answer, Dave!

Myra β™₯️

Nicely done, Dave. That golden pie makes the world go round.

Thank you, Jeff. I think it is more important to be able to find the answer than to know it by rote memory, although each has its place.

Thanks, Myra.

Thanks, Dave!

Hahaha πŸ‘πŸ‘

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