Here's a Facebook warning for you!

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I have over 500 posts on my website and have never had a problem with copyright infringement. I'm always careful to see that the images I use are not copyrighted and are acceptable to use. However, I recently received a message from Facebook that I'd include an image or images that were not acceptable because they constituted copyright infringement. They told me to go to "Just Answer" to learn how to resolve the problem, as if I did not do so, my site was in danger of being removed from Facebook.

What I normally do is to go to Yahoo for my images and choose their filter that has the label "free to share and use commercially." No problems there -- The only time I'd not done so was in a recent post when I'd gone to BingCreate and had AI images created for my post. According to "JustAnswer", there are issues with using such images, as they might be infringing copyright rules. Apparently there have been problems lately around such use.

Upsetting -- as my understanding was that such images were fine to use. Thought I'd give you all a "heads up" in case you run into similar problems. I have replied to their message, explaining how I get my images, and that the AI ones were the only ones in which I'd used a different process. So far no reply. However, just be aware that you, too, might run into a similar problem.

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Blessed Sunday!
First congratulations on your 500 posts--this is mind blowing to me.
Secondly, I do hope they reply to you asap and get rectified.
No problem not having a solution at all times...I pray extra favors for you, I claim
everything is going to be alright for you and your WA business.
God bless!


DONT PANIC, these messages are NOT from Facebook.

Click on the profile of the the person sending you the private message and then report profile and then block.

I get at least one of these a week, I sometimes play games with them if I am in a good mood and write stuff on their Facebook profile, IF you can access it?

So what you do is: Read the message, go to their profile, report profile, block profile and then delete the message that they sent to you!

Afterwards make a cup of tea or have a whiskey and say cheers to the Universe.




Glad I could be of assistance!



As soon as you said the part about your site being in danger of being removed from Facebook, I saw scam written all over it. Our newspaper gets those all of the time and our Facebook pages are still going strong.

It's sad that some people waste our time by scaring us and trying to get our information and ultimately any money we might have!

I am glad you didn't click the link... I would delete the whole thing and be done with that.

Best wishes, Fran.


Looks like a scam message. That is why I never use Facebook its Fakebook, most scam and spam con artist spend their time there and wrecking everyone’s life. I don't think its legit. I wouldn't have responded its a scare tactic that scammers use all the time. No response is more proof that its just spam mickey mouse baloney. FB would never do such thing. On Reddit people say its a phishing link u should never click the link now it can wreck ur computer so watch out for that Scam artist love to do these things. Too bad Phil isn't here to tell us that but he would have told you the same thing I said.

Well, the folks at Just Answer told me to answer the message right there and not to go to the link they added in the message. I think that was good advice.

Hi Fran, People got another message just like yours, and it's a phishing scam—that's all there is to it. Yes, it's excellent advice not to respond or click the link. I would delete it—it is just a scare tactic. I saw an announcement that FB does not do this. It's not legit.

Thanks for the "Heads-Up", Fran.


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