About FDemont
Rank 11362
103 followers Joined April 2018
I was born and raised in MA and after moving cross-country six times, holding positions with varying degrees of responsibilities, obtaining a college degree and





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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hello blog posters. I now have 6 drafts.sitting in my WA Blog Post. .LOL..It just wont't publish! Any ideas? thanks!

Featured Comment

Hey Felicia,

When you click on the publish button, what happens? Also, which browser are you using? Sometimes web browsers that are not up to date or are not compliant with web standards can cause problems. What I suggest doing is downloading and installing Google Chrome as a possible solution.

It's free and you can get it from here:


Install Google Chrome and let me know if you still experience the same issue.

I suggest using Google Chrome as your default browser too for everything you do online. I hope this works for you.


HI Carson, absolutely and only Chrome get used on my devices. When I click publish, nothing happens, except another draft is created. Thanks for responding so quickly.


Looks like I am having the same problem. And I only use Chrome...

Edit: I successfully published my post with Firefox.

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Cannot publish wa blog post?

Cannot publish wa blog post?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hello blog posters. I now have 6 drafts.sitting in my WA Blog Post. .LOL..It just wont't publish! Any ideas? thanks!

Featured Comment

Hey Felicia,

When you click on the publish button, what happens? Also, which browser are you using? Sometimes web browsers that are not up to date or are not compliant with web standards can cause problems. What I suggest doing is downloading and installing Google Chrome as a possible solution.

It's free and you can get it from here:


Install Google Chrome and let me know if you still experience the same issue.

I suggest using Google Chrome as your default browser too for everything you do online. I hope this works for you.


HI Carson, absolutely and only Chrome get used on my devices. When I click publish, nothing happens, except another draft is created. Thanks for responding so quickly.


Looks like I am having the same problem. And I only use Chrome...

Edit: I successfully published my post with Firefox.

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asked in
Getting Started

Hi All, after watching the affiliate link training, i am not sure how to properly use multiple affiliate links on a single page. The single page would be based around one room

Make sure to have at least 500 words of content per product link, otherwise, Google could consider your site to be merely a 'bridge page.'

Thank you! So on my room specific pages, briefly discuss the decor item and then use my link. Do this for each decor item for/on that room page. Am I understanding correctly?

Yes, exactly... you want something other than a page of links.

Perfect, I think I can stay on track with my vision of how I want the website. Thank you!!!!

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Does anyone have a multi-product website?

Does anyone have a multi-product website?

asked in
Getting Started

Hi All, after watching the affiliate link training, i am not sure how to properly use multiple affiliate links on a single page. The single page would be based around one room

Make sure to have at least 500 words of content per product link, otherwise, Google could consider your site to be merely a 'bridge page.'

Thank you! So on my room specific pages, briefly discuss the decor item and then use my link. Do this for each decor item for/on that room page. Am I understanding correctly?

Yes, exactly... you want something other than a page of links.

Perfect, I think I can stay on track with my vision of how I want the website. Thank you!!!!

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