The benefits of a long barefoot walk on the beach at sunrise

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Good morning WA fellows !

I'm spending a well earned month of holidays in the wonderful paradise of Fuerteventura the biggest of the Canary Islands (Spain). I'm a lucky guy , I know.

This is the treat I'm giving me every morning: a long barefoot walk on the beach at Sunrise.

The Benefits of a Long Barefoot Walk on the Beach at Sunrise

There are few experiences as invigorating and soul-refreshing as a long barefoot walk on the beach, especially during the early hours of the day. The gentle caress of the sand, the whispering waves, and the serenity of the rising sun come together to create a magical ambiance. Let’s delve into the myriad benefits of this beautiful activity

1. Physical Health Benefits:

a. Exfoliation: Sand acts as a natural exfoliant, helping to remove dead skin cells from your feet. As you walk, the sand gently rubs against the soles, aiding in the natural process of exfoliation.

b. Strengthening Muscles: Walking on the soft, shifting sand demands more effort than walking on a hard surface. This helps strengthen the muscles of your feet, calves, and thighs.

c. Improving Balance and Flexibility: The unevenness of the sand makes your body work harder to maintain balance, thereby improving your coordination and flexibility.

2. Mental Health Benefits:

a. Reduction in Stress: The rhythmic sound of waves crashing and the vastness of the horizon help in reducing cortisol levels, the stress hormone. Being amidst nature, especially during sunrise, can be a therapeutic experience.

b. Boosting Creativity: The tranquility and beauty of the beach can act as a catalyst for new thoughts, ideas, and solutions. Many artists and thinkers have found inspiration from the rhythms of the ocean.

c. Enhanced Mood: The combination of fresh air, the scent of the ocean, and the release of endorphins from physical activity can significantly uplift your mood.

3. Spiritual and Emotional Benefits:

a. Mindfulness and Meditation: The quietude of a beach at sunrise offers the perfect environment for mindfulness practices. The mere act of walking can turn into a meditative experience.

b. Connection with Nature: In our fast-paced world, we often feel disconnected from nature. A walk on the beach can remind us of our place in the vast universe and foster a deeper connection with the earth.

c. Renewed Perspective: Witnessing the majestic sunrise can make our problems seem small and insignificant. It offers a chance for reflection and provides a fresh perspective on life.

4. Environmental Awareness:

Such experiences can also make us more aware of the environment. As we connect with the natural world, we understand the importance of preserving these spaces for future generations.

In Conclusion:

A long barefoot walk on the beach at sunrise is not just an activity; it’s an experience – one that nourishes the body, mind, and soul. Whether you’re looking to improve your physical health, find a moment of peace, or reignite your creativity, this simple yet profound experience has a lot to offer.

Remember, it’s the simple pleasures in life that often bring the most joy and fulfillment. So, the next time you have an opportunity, step out, feel the sand between your toes, and let the ocean’s symphony serenade your soul.

So , my WA fellows forgive me if in these days I'm not very active on our awesome platform, I'm walking on the beach....

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Recent Comments


Sounds Heavenly!!

It is really!!! I'm doing it almost every morning and it change the mood of your day...

Excellent stuff Enrico! I always thought that Tenerife was the largest of the Canaries though!!

I used to love going for early morning walks and runs on the beach when I lived in southern Spain!!

Enjoy yourself my friend! :-)

Thanks Jessie ! Have a great Sunday !

You too my friend! :-)

Nice 👍👍

A nice message, Enrico!


Thanks Jeffrey!

You're very welcome!

This sounds great, Enrico. :D


Thanks JD!

Most Welcome, Enrico.


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