Thought of the Day...
"There are no quick wins in business... It takes years to become an overnight success."
(Richard Branson)
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I really like that "it takes years to become an overnight success"... that's so true. Many people will say "he/she came out of nowhere"... "he/she was unknown unitl just recently"... but they missed all those months and years of hard work that made you the "overnight success to begin with. The missed all the late nights drinking coffee or energy drinks so you could stay awake get things finished.
Work hard ... but balanced
Yes, exactly! They don't realize that while they were going out and partying or playing computer games, that we were busy creating content, researching, marketing etc.
I also love the line that: by doing things other people don't want to do now, you can spend the rest of your life doing things other people can't!
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Yep. And the harder you work, the luckier you get ! ;)