How I Got To $10-11,000 per month

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What's A 3 Year Old Affiliate Site Doing?

Wow. I did my last progress report in May 2019, where I made $150 from my site which was 5 months old at that time. I'm still working on the same site and I'm so happy with where I'm at I thought it was well overdue to share how it's going as the site approaches its third birthday.

Does It Make Money?

Um, yes. It makes me a lot of money. In fact, I never envisioned my site being where it's at. All I was looking for was replacement income for my part time job, but I'm going to (easily) clear six figures in 2021.

My site has been averaging around $10-11,000 per month (that's New Zealand dollars) since April.

This has been totally life changing: I am totally my own boss, working as an when suits me, and I make money while I'm on holiday! A part of me still can't really believe it, but my bank account and accountant say otherwise.

How Did I Get There?

  • Consistency. Persistence. DON'T GIVE UP!
  • I aim for 100 posts a year
  • Update and improve older posts
  • Keep on top of what information your readers are looking for (google search console is my best friend) and serve it up: my site only gets about 4000 users per week, but they are readers who are ready to buy
  • I am in an expensive niche with high commissions (again, it's all about targeting posts to where your readers are in that buying cycle)
  • I don't spend much time here in WA. I'm sorry, but it's the easiest way to procrastinate and not actually work on your site. I'll stick with WA though, even though I've thought of leaving. The hosting is pretty good, the support is excellent, and I just don't really have a reason to leave.
  • Yes, I've supplemented my website build with other courses and tools (Authority Hacker, if you want to know, and I love them too) as time has gone by, but it was only possible to fund those with the foundation I built here at WA.
  • Don't put all your eggs in one basket. I have multiple affiliate income streams from multiple countries. You don't want to lose your business if one program shuts down or boots you out.

You Can Do It, Too!

There's nothing special about me. I'm not very tech savvy, and I knew nothing really about my niche when I started my site. I still don't even think it's that interesting lol. What IS my passion is having complete control of my time, being there for my kids whenever they need, creating financial freedom for our family, and doing nice things I used to only dream of being able to afford.

If I can make this work, there is absolutely nothing stopping you so once you've finished reading this, get yourself off the WA chat/blog and into your website and get going! You got this!

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Recent Comments


Hi Emily,

This was very inspirational. Your "secret" is not much different from the other successful members at Wealthy Affiliate. As Ivan Broz says, Keep It Simple Stupid. Ha!

I happen to trade Forex at night. I just checked the USD-NZD exchange rate. 1 NZD is about 0.7 USD. So you're making about USD $7K a month. That is AWESOME!

Cannot agree with you more. Don't spend too much time on WA if you want to add content to your website. Once you are killing it, that is the time to share what can help the member. Just like you and the other high-income earners are doing.

I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to add you to my WA network.



thanks! I'll follow you back :)

Very nice, indeed, Emily! Perseverance paid off!



You're welcome!

There has been some debate in WA about the saturation of reviews on websites. I am curious to know if your site is mostly reviews or informational posts?

very much mostly reviews. i do have informational posts too, but the ratio is probably 8:1.

Wow! Thank you for responding. I have been avoiding doing a lot of reviews so I will definitely get back to that!

If I may ask another set of questions ...I am in this part of bootcamp as well.....where do you find the products you promote? Do you buy in to them to test?

I use lots of different affiliate programs, from Amazon through to Shareasale and Impact etc, through to working directly with companies (some have even set up affiliate programs to work with me).
I'm in New Zealand and started my site with a focus on the US, and don't own any of those products. For my New Zealand articles I have ended up owning most of them but could have written without them. Having products or not isn't really a factor as long as you can help people.

Hi Emily. Yes, I agree with you about not keeping all your eggs in one basket. There are so many possible side hustles online it's mine boggling. Jim


That is so wonderful to hear Emily and great you are doing so well and still going forward.
Well done
You are right though WA is an awesome place to be however, your website should always be the key focus as that is where your earnings will come from.

To think if a Kiwi can do it anyone can guess that tells you where I am from. (neighbour across the seas) LOl

Andre :)


You are welcome

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