Help, how do you find out what problems people in your niche are having?


Does anyone have any ideas on how I can find out what specific problems people in my niche may be looking to find answers for.

Before you all say just ask them, let me explain that I don't have a lot of traffic yet.

I was reading a blog by another member and it started me thinking about finding out what people in my niche are asking about or specifically looking for.

My niche is craft as in hand or homemade crafts. Suggestions do not have to be niche specific.

Lots of advice is to ask but I wondered if anyone had any outside the box suggestions.


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Are you familiar with any forums that exist on crafts of the kind you are blogging about?

Don't immediately start to put your link there; You may be banned for spamming, but read a bunch of comments. People have problems, they like to talk to others in the same niche. Enter into some discussions and maybe offer some answers; You must have a lot of experience with it.

Go to craft stores and listen to what people are talking about! Talk to any friends you have in the field/hobby.

See what the top 10 sites (on Google) talk about. What things are they offering and what posts do they post?

Use Google trend in the craft topics.

I like craft. And I would ask the following questions:
- Where can I get material at a fair price for doing this or that.
- Do you have any instructions for this or that.
- What tools do I need for doing this or that and where can I get them at a fair price.
This are my 3 main questions.
But why don't you join some forum or join a group an facebook or any other social network dealing with you craft.

This has been something I've been struggling with as well, but as some have said, it takes research such as going on forums related to your niche, finding chats, and seeing what else is out there such as competition.

Hi Sharon,

I went to your profile page and I did not see your website listed under your posts.

If you add your website to that location (under your posts, on the right hand side of your profile page) or if you add it to your profile write up, WA people can easily visit your site and give you feedback.

Please let me know your website URL and I will check it out.

Thanks, Sharon.


I like your questions and I am interested in everyone's answers.

Thank you for asking this question!

I will visit your site and see if I can make any suggestions.


good post

Researching similar posts about your niche and mine problems exhibited from the postings.

I will do that.

Thank you.


research online, start a survey for your niche market to fill out, join forums in your niche market and find out what they're saying there, join groups on LinkedIn and FB in your niche---talk to your competitors and see what they have to say

Great idea, I haven't tried a couple of those.

Thanks, Davida.


Why not try a post on your site offering help to people who may need and see if anything comes from that. Xx

That is a great idea, I will try that.

Thank you.


Still working on this.

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