am i going soft of hart or soft of head?
The question I have today for the fine members of WA has nothing to do with internet marketing or building a web site. What I would like to know is what your reaction to music is.
Not just any or all music, we know that most everybody loves music of one kind or another.
What I’m talking about is music that is not on the charts and as far as I know, never has been.
I, like lots of people am moved by all kinds of music and the surprising thing is that this music comes from commercials.
I don’t know if the music was written for the commercials or if the commercials were written for the music. But either way it is in my opinion very well written and preformed and should be or should have been on the charts.
There are many songs that touch me and bring out deep feelings and that is a good thing and of course not limited to the songs I am going to refer to.
So if you have the time I will post the links for them and you can have a look.
In case I forgot to mention they are videos and no I do not work for Alberta tourism or Alberta treasury branch [a local bank]
Would be interesting to know what affect they have on people other than me
Hey-------Have a great one.
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I love all kinds of music as well. Both songs were great. I think I was moved by the first one because of the beautiful pictures. The second one touched be because of the theme.... find my way back home. I like the second on as well because I love to harmonize with songs and that one makes for easy harmoney.
Now I know this post is almost 2 years old, but I read your post and it brought up a memory. I remember that I use to really like this song that wasn't really popular at all, from a movie that also wasn't popular. It was the movie Knockaround Guys (2001) and the song at the end of the credits was East River Pipe - Make A Deal With The City. I could remember the song more than I did the movie =).
Now I don't know if you like it or its just not your cup of tea, but I was just going to say it kinda goes to show that there are some pieces of gold hidden in the strangest of places.