Blessed Wednesday afternoon
Hi wonderful Wealthy Affiliate Community, blessings to everyone hope all are staying safe.
It is a cloudy and gloomy rainy Wednesday, to this present afternoon here in the North East of NYC.
On a day like today, if you are fortunate to be indoors, and not have to go out to work like me and other retirees, it is a great day to be home. The temperature 's just right I could not ask for a better temp.
As cloudy as the day has been, I make the best of it, by getting on my iPod and going through all the emails within the Wealthy Affiliate community, working it all, and more; watching some learning videos, and responding to comments after viewing some sites.
Even though this is not a 9-5 job, it felt like it, because I stay the course to complete all the inbox emails and pay attention to the response to most of them. I have gained some valuable information that will benefit me in my own business here at Wealthy Affiliate moving onward.As per Kyle's post: “Why his garden is just like his business,” the fear of the unknown, you jump head first, this is an example for me to just do it until I get the right result I am working to succeed.
Overall my day was productive and fulfill here in the Wealthy Affiliate Community.
Thank for reading, comment and like. Stay blessed.
Recent Comments
Just like Rachele, I find NYC fascinating. I would love to see more photos.
I do the same as you, my iPad is used for checking emails as it’s a bit more portable.
Funnily enough we have been hammered with huge downpours over the last few days.
Thanks, Stephen, I just so love living here even though things have gotten so expensive, but it is all over the world, so I stay put.
Stay blessed.
Check out my latest blog. It has been a frustrating few weeks..and scary..
But am coming back strong.
Hallelujah, Zoop
The man who shows up in the arena wins.
You got this.
You are a champion.
Thank you for this beautiful post.
New York is one of the most exciting cities:
The Statute of Liberty
Times Square
Rockefeller Center
Columbia University
Manhattan (Bill Clinton Office)
Ellis Island and more
Did Frank Sinatra have a song about New York, New York?
I visited St. Pattrick's Cathedral as a child.
I We also checked out Radio City.
That was Amazing.
Happy Wednesday dear,
Thank you, thank you, Rachele, I see you know your way around NYC, now I know after reading your bio.
I love it all here, however, I am chilling and staying home since the Covid-19 comes into play, and all the Broadway shows and Racketts I usually see yearly are no more.
Stay blessed.
I read somewhere that the original Statue of Liberty was intended to be gold, but they couldn’t afford it. Copper was used instead and we all know what happens to copper, it turns green.
Still Beautiful though.
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