Way of my life
You drive a car or a Car driving you?
You control a live or live controlling you?
"I am controlling my life"
expected or expecting future.
Indicated to fair and sensible. take a specified position.
this decision signified a fundamental change in my life priorities
state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully.
in the correct matter and fair as well sensible.
suitable and proper in the circumstances adapt.
reasonable worthy effort, attention, and respect.
describe the distinctive nature,
represent especially in oneself ability.
concern and consciousness decency and
ethic of living. quality of being affable.
cheerful noticeably happy and optimistic
Recent Comments
Your actions of today are creating the outcome of tomorrow
( I had to put your blog into Google translate to understand what your idea behind it was)
My happiness for you my friend.
Sure you can use like word "conscious"
done engage in long and careful consideration.
There are actually cars that drive us now, Edy! It's a fast-paced world, but I think You are in control of things. A thoughtful post. Have a wonderful weekend!-Rick :)
Unfortunately not quite Rick. They are still largely in development by Google and others at test ranges in Nevada and California. The problem is not that they are feasible. They are. What is holding up development is squeezing out the last drop of new safety legislation and loss of commercial interests in the petrochemical industry.
10/14/15: "Tesla's cars now drive themselves-Kind of" 8 months ago! Red tape always holds things up. That's the government way. Safety is an important factor, though. We don't want any Robocop cars out there!
Hi Rick,
Hows your weekend Rick? I hope all full great spirit,
I said so we need to know whose behind the car.
the car is only object of my subject in relation to condition consciousness. as well in reality robot don't have that consciousness.
robot is design. consciousness is ability and a live.
No, Edy robots sure don't have human consciousness, but they're getting closer all the time. Will they ever get to our level? They surpass us in some things now. Computer chess programs have beaten grandmasters. I'll take a good, old-fashioned human, though. Have a great weekend. :)
Dear friend Rick.
I love it......As operation matter its ok. from metric to micro level even as well, we can say that as gadget or tools. or kind of like movie (The Fifth Element 1997 Bruce Willis, Gary Old man Movie), now! I never heard computer insomnia (habitual sleeplessness ) hmm:)
Always Blessing you and family well health and beauty. take care.
Blessings to you, too, Edy. I have seen the Bruce Willis Movie, though I like Die Hard better.Computers don't have to sleep, but they do go into "spinning ball" mode. Then we wait for them to "wake up." I like Gary Oldman, too. Good actor! Best regards!-Rick
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Cheerful and optimistic is the way to be!
Cheers bro take care.