Month 7 - $4550


This is my last money post until I hit 10k, which I expect to happen this up coming fall.

I made a little over $4500 in commissions from Amazon and this came from 1269 sales and 39,000 unique clicks from Google.

Anyone that's read my posts in the past knows I use a specific keyword strategy to achieve these results, which you can read about here:

Don't worry if you're not getting the same results as me. This is the 7th month of my website but I've been here at Wealthy Affiliate for 2 and half years now.

It took a lot of experimenting, reading and failure to reach this point. The only advice I can give you is this:

1) Don't give up

2) You have to try and write a few hours a day. We're in the content business and you'll need a good amount of content to make this work.

3) Focus on making money. Don't just write "how to" articles that have no shot at making you money. Write plenty of reviews and lengthy best of posts - those two kinds of posts are actually easier to rank than "how to's". I personally would go 60% to 70% money posts and 30% to 40% how to's.

If you're not getting any traction and your past the 6 month mark make sure to read the post I linked to up top - it's everything I've learned to get such fast results.

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Recent Comments


Thanks for your post and congrats on your success


This is very inspirational and thank you for sharing. I will check out your other posts as well. Thanks and well done on your success. Gail

No problem!

Thanks for sharing. I look forward to your next update. Your words about not giving up is definitely inspiring. Love your results.


Brilliant. Thank you so much for sharing!

No problem!

Thanks again. I have been learning a lot from you. I wish you Happy New Year and all the best in your online business journey!

Happy new year to you too

Thank you for the post. Glad to hear of your success.

No problem1

Awesome. I have a ton of "how to" "what is" etc posts (about 65% of my content) so I'll be doing reviews and best ofs for a while now.

Happy new year.

That's a good idea.. I would spend atleast a few months doing that.

Thank you so much for you post. It’s so inspiring and I have registered a domain to implement your specific keyword strategy “ best of” posts. I will be in touch with you at a later date for your feedback

Once again thank you for your inspiring content


Glad I could help.. make sure to follow all the advice in the post and you should see good results in the next 6th months

Great $ goal attained Dylan!


Simply awesome! You have helped me switch my focus in a different direction

Glad I could help!

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