Your Style of Communication Determines Your Behavioral Style

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We react differently to different cues we experience to different events such as how strong we are, how brave we are, or how humble we are.

Each of usexpresses a Behavioral Style which affects the way we do things. That includes your communication habits, such as: our verbal and non-verbal communication;
how we organize and present information; how we establish credibility
and build relationships; how we approach, manage, and resolve
conflict; how you make decisions in our lives.

Communication styles affect your relationships. Your feelings and intuition are a part of your behavioral style. To build the best relationships You need to learn to be flexable enough to accept and appreciate other styles.

There are 2 common assessments use ro determine behavioral communication styles: the Myers-Briggs and DiSC Profile. The Myers-Briggs assessment can only be administered and scored by a certified psychometrist, while the DiSC can be administered by anyone certified and trained as an independent contracter by the company that sells them.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)


Comparing the Two Assessments

The Myers-Briggs was designed by Catherine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers in 1917. This was the first time that a formalized methodology of psychometric testingand statistical analysis were used for validation.The Myers-Briggs was designed to measure psychological differences in how people perceive the world and make the decisions.

Extroversion (E) – (I) Introversion

Sensing (S) – (N) Intuition

Thinking (T) – (F) Feeling

Judging (J) – (P) Perception

by comparison the DiSC was designed by William Marston in 1928. The DiSC gained in popularity due to its simplicityand easily understood terminology.

Outgoing or Reserved

Task-oriented or People-Oriented

There are 4 main possibilities when referring to: D, I, S and C.

The DISC Model of Human Behavior

The four letters are descriptive advantages that relate to someone's behavioral style or personality traits and easily understood when explained to someone compared to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

Different Behavioral Style Influence Relationships

The DiSC has more popularity than the Myers-Briggs because individuals who take the assessment will remember the terminology used in the DiSC far longer than they ever remember the terminology used in the Myers-Briggs.

everyone has all these behavioral styles with in them, while some are more dominant than the others. Someone who is outgoing interacts with others a lot more easily when someone is reserved or introverted. Someone who is very cautious Westerns everything before they make a decision. Someone who is supportive will read the manual and follow it word for word and how they do business with someone else. A dominant person likes to control everything and believes they can control the environment, while someone who is inspiring can talk to anyone in any place and conduct business even in a party.

Many of the issues that arise in communication can be because two people that are very similar are in conflict with their views or they can be cross communicating with someone with a different behavioral communication style and rubbed them the wrong way by the way they say things to them. The best way to learn to communicate with people who have different strands and behavioral styles of communication, is to first learn how to communicate with them more effectively in language that they understand.

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Thanks Davida

good post

Thanks for that Davida. I think and I don't believe it was mentioned here was a certain "look"

I know it shouldn't but I guess it does


yes, body language is communication too, but that wasn't what I was talking about.

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