Why I Recommend Using ChatGPT 4.0 Before Canvas for Personalizing Your Content: A Balanced Approach

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When creating content for Wealthy Affiliate (WA) or any platform, one of the main challenges is making sure your work stands out. With so many people using WA’s Content Writer, it’s easy to fall into the trap of producing similar-sounding articles—especially when it comes to topics like recommending WA itself. That’s why I recommend starting with ChatGPT 4.0, using its brainstorming power and memory, and then refining your content in Canvas to ensure a unique, personalized touch.

Step-by-Step Process: ChatGPT 4.0 + Canvas + SEO

  1. Generate the Outline in ChatGPT 4.0: Begin by using ChatGPT 4.0 to create an outline for your article. This is where the brainstorming happens. You can provide it with a topic or idea and prompt it to generate headings and subheadings for a well-structured article. Example Prompt:"Please create a 6-section outline for an article on [topic]. Make each section 1-2 sentences long and suggest subheadings where appropriate." Then go back and forth with ChatGPT 4.0 until you're happy with the article. Basically chat with ChatGPT until you're happy with it and it incorporates your thoughts and experiences and voice accurately.
  2. Cut and Paste the Outline into Canvas: Once you have the outline ready in ChatGPT 4.0, copy and paste it into ChatGPT Canvas. This will allow you to expand on each section and refine the content in a more detailed way. Canvas gives you more flexibility to adjust as you go along.
  3. Use the SEO Prompt in Canvas: When pasting the outline into Canvas, you’ll want to guide the AI to optimize the article for SEO. Here's the prompt you can use:Example Prompt:
    "Please write a [word count] article based on this outline, optimized for SEO. Use the following target keywords: [insert your keywords]. Ensure the article is structured with H1, H2, and H3 headings, incorporates the keywords naturally, and includes internal and external links where relevant. Also, provide a meta description of 150-160 characters, a meta title between 50-60 characters, and maintain a readability level suitable for an 8th-10th grade audience. Focus on making the content engaging and tailored to my target audience's needs."This ensures that your content is well-optimized for SEO while still allowing room for your personal voice and style. Feel free to adjust the wording to reflect what you want.
  4. Refine and Edit in Canvas: Once the content is generated, you can tweak and refine it directly within Canvas to add more of your personal experiences, thoughts, and unique style. Adjust the wording, include personal anecdotes, and ensure the tone is authentic to you.

Optimizing for SEO

With ChatGPT 4.0 and Canvas, you can ensure the content is fully optimized for SEO using the prompt above. This method allows you to control the content structure, keyword use, and overall readability—all while injecting your personal voice and experiences into the article.

The Dangers of Over-Relying on the WA Content Writer

Many people rely heavily on WA’s Content Writer, which, while excellent for its simplicity and built-in SEO, can lead to a common pitfall: generic content. Here’s why:

  1. Similar-Sounding Articles: The Content Writer uses templates that are great for quickly generating content, but if everyone is using the same structure, especially for recommending WA, it risks making your content sound like everyone else’s. This is especially problematic when you’re trying to rank for competitive keywords where standing out is crucial.
  2. Lack of Personalization: While the Content Writer is excellent for beginners or those who need a fast way to create content, it lacks the ability to reflect your personal experiences, thoughts, and unique style as effectively as ChatGPT 4.0 can. The danger here is that your articles won’t resonate as strongly with readers if they feel too templated or robotic.

The Content Writer’s Strengths: When Simplicity Wins

To be fair, the WA Content Writer has its strengths, and for many, it’s the best solution when:

  • You’re a beginner and just need to get content out there.
  • You want built-in SEO and structure without worrying about prompts.
  • You’re focusing on time-efficiency rather than creativity.

Tips for Making the WA Content Writer Sound More Like You

While the WA Content Writer is a powerful tool for quickly generating SEO-optimized content, you can still make it personal and unique. Here are some simple tips to make sure the content reflects your own voice, thoughts, and experiences, even if you're using a templated approach.

  1. Add Personal Stories or Examples
    After generating content in the Content Writer, go through and add personal anecdotes or examples. This helps the reader connect with you on a deeper level and makes the article feel more authentic.
  2. Adjust the Tone to Match Your Voice
    While the Content Writer does have options like the conversational blogger template, which creates a more informal tone, you may still want to tweak the output to fully reflect your unique style. Even with conversational mode, editing to match your own way of speaking ensures the content feels authentic.
  3. Ask the Content Writer for Specific Sections
    Before generating the article, you can ask the Content Writer to include specific sections like “My Thoughts on This Topic” or “My Experience”. This gives you space within the article to add your personal voice, making sure it's more than just a template.
  4. Edit the Introduction and Conclusion
    The intro and conclusion are key spots where your personal voice should shine. Rather than accepting the default intro, rewrite it to explain why the topic matters to you and your readers. In the conclusion, summarize your thoughts and experiences, providing a clear takeaway.
  5. Infuse Your Own Opinions
    Don’t hesitate to challenge the generic information produced by the Content Writer. If you have a different perspective or a strong opinion about a topic, add it! Readers love to hear unique takes rather than the same information they can find elsewhere.
  6. Use Your Favorite Phrases and Idioms
    If you have particular idioms, phrases, or humor that reflect your personality, make sure to go back and sprinkle those in after generating the content. It helps your audience connect with you on a personal level.

Pros and Cons of Each Method

ChatGPT 4.0 + Canvas


  • Allows for creative brainstorming and idea generation.
  • Maintains memory of your preferences for consistent tone and style.
  • More control over SEO optimization and final editing.
  • Enables content to stand out with your unique voice and personality.


  • Requires a bit more effort in structuring and SEO optimization.
  • Not directly integrated with WA, meaning manual copying and pasting are needed.
WA Content Writer


  • Simple, structured templates with built-in SEO.
  • Fast and easy for beginners.
  • Fully integrated into WA for quick publishing.


  • Limited personalization, leading to generic-sounding content.
  • Less creative freedom to add your own style and voice.

My Final Thoughts

In my experience, the best approach is to use ChatGPT 4.0 for brainstorming and initial content generation, followed by refining in Canvas for a polished, personalized result. This ensures your content is SEO-optimized, stands out from the crowd, and reflects your unique voice and ideas. However, if you’re just getting started or want a quick, templated solution, the WA Content Writer is a great tool for fast, structured content with built-in SEO support.

By following these tips, whether you choose to use ChatGPT 4.0 and Canvas or stick with the WA Content Writer, you can ensure your content is both effective and uniquely yours.

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Recent Comments


Hi Dave

ChatGPT 4.0 with Canvas creates excellent outlines for me that I can tweak collaboratively with the AI to target the best results.

I use ChatGPT 4.0 with Canvas for the majority of my content creation process. However, there are a few glitches, but this AI model is still in beta.

1. It can't properly integrate with my Custom GPTS.

2. It is only trained up to 2021, so it may not provide the most current information. However, it does have a "browser tool" that you can ask it to use to verify the output.

Frank 🎸

I thought it was only trained to September 2021 as well. However, the 4o version is actually trained to December 2023.

I'm only now becoming aware of Custom GPTs, but I'm going to look into that now.

Hi Dave

OpenAI has stated that improving its Canvas model is one of its highest priorities. I'm guessing that it's the beta version of ChatGPT 5.

Custom GPTs can save you crazy amounts of time! 😎

Frank 🎸

I'm using a wide range of GPT Trained Chats through RightBlogger and love the output. ChatGPT has so much ability to learn your natural voice and output some really strong content.

you can create a custom GPT or an assistant so that you can have a consistent tone / culture of the writer. The thing with using chatGPT prompts is that you have to repeat the process to train it. Something to think about

Custom GPT. I'll have to look into that. Thanks!

Wow Dave! That was really insightful. Is Canvas a free tool?

No unfortunately not. I think when you subscribe to 4.0 it comes with it. Cost $20 a month I think.

That makes sense, Dave!

Great post!

Thanks Howard. I'm glad it makes sense. I suspect many people may still be better off with the WA Content Creator. Particularly if they struggle with English. I think using chat GPT the way I suggest is if you're comfortable having conversations in English. In saying that it's surprising how well chatGPT can figure out what's meant when someone uses poor English. I've even used it to help me decipher what people are actually saying when I can't work it out!

Yes, I use ChatGPT more than the WA writer because word credits only go so far.

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