From Dentistry to Bodybuilding: Building My Online Business with Wealthy Affiliate

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“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” I never imagined that my path would lead from a successful dental practice to the world of bodybuilding and online business. But here I am, sharing my journey with you all, and more importantly, sharing the lessons I’ve learned along the way. In this post, I’ll introduce my journey, my goals, and how Wealthy Affiliate has played a pivotal role in this new chapter of my life.

My Background: From Dentistry to Bodybuilding

My career started in the health industry, first as a pharmacist and then as a dentist. I even owned my own dental practice, a role that brought both challenges and rewards. However, the COVID pandemic and some personal struggles, including a substance abuse disorder, forced me to make some tough decisions—one of which was selling my practice.

But this wasn’t the end of my journey; it was the beginning of a new one. Years ago, I dabbled in affiliate marketing and saw firsthand that it works. A simple review I wrote about Waterpiks started earning me around $100 a month for several years. This experience stayed with me, and now I’m diving back into affiliate marketing with renewed energy and determination.

Building My Online Business

This time around, I’m all in. I’ve created an online business that reflects my deep passion for bodybuilding and fitness. My goal is to help people achieve their fitness goals by sharing effective strategies, training tips, and insights from my own experience. Whether you’re looking to build muscle, improve strength, or just get in better shape, I’m dedicated to guiding and inspiring others.

My Goals: Building Something Meaningful

My goals are simple but ambitious. I want to build a successful online business that allows me to provide a good life for my family while also spending quality time with them. Wealthy Affiliate has given me the tools and the community support to make this happen. Through my online presence, I aim to share valuable content that helps others while also growing my brand.

How Wealthy Affiliate Has Helped Me

Wealthy Affiliate has been a game-changer for me, not just in terms of business but also for my mental health. After years of feeling down, WA has given me something meaningful to do with my time and exciting goals to strive for. The platform is incredibly well-taught, making the learning process not just productive but genuinely enjoyable and motivating.

It’s not just about the skills I’m learning; it’s about the renewed sense of purpose that WA has given me. I’m excited about the future and what I can achieve with the right tools and mindset.

Looking Forward: What’s Next?

As I continue to grow my online presence, I’m excited to see where this journey takes me. I’m committed to putting in the work and making the most of the opportunities that Wealthy Affiliate and the online world have to offer.

If you’re on a similar journey or just starting out, I encourage you to dive in and make the most of what WA has to offer. Wealthy Affiliate has given me the tools to build a meaningful online business, and I’m confident it can do the same for you.


Thank you for taking the time to read my story. If you’re interested in fitness, online business, or just looking for some straight-talking advice, feel free to connect with me here on WA. Let’s make things happen together.

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Hi Dr Dave!

Sometimes, life in affiliate marketing is like pulling teeth! So, you are all set for success. LOL

Great. That was my favorite part of the job!

Over my life, I had four bicuspids, wisdom teeth, and one molar pulled. It was not my favorite thing! LOLOL

That's because you didn't have me doing it! My patients often would tell me how they were taken by surprise that they experienced such intense pleasure during the procedure. It can be quite a sensual and intimate experience when I do it lol

Wow, sorry I missed that!!

This is a great story and is perfect content for your about me page on your website!

Thanks. I don't really get how the blog section is supposed to work to be honest. I mean what should go in it?

Hello Dave

You're welcome. Your WA blog is for sharing things related your business and progress online. You are also welcome to share your story and experiences.

You can put links on your WA blog but only if it's to something on WA. As long as you don't promote yourself or anything else you will be fine.

If you follow the post rules Andre gave you below you won't have any problems. I'm glad you did the right thing and well done for that.

I hope this helps you and makes sense. I wish you all the best going forward and I look forward to reading more of your blog posts.

Let me know if you have any other questions or if you need any further help. All the best to your success.



What about sharing my Wealthy Affiliate link on a blog on the WA platform like the one I just did above ? I know this stuff is mostly being read by people who are already WA members, but our blogs here can still be found with a Google search right? Or am I wrong?

Hello Dave

No affiliate links are not allowed on WA and should be put on your website only. Yes our WA blog posts can be found and indexed by Google.

But your website will be to so you will get traffic to your affiliate links. Your website is the core of your business and that's why we doing all our work there.

WA is for learning, asking questions, getting help and sharing our progress and experiences which is fine for our WA blogs.

I hope this helps you and makes sense. Let me know if you have any other questions or if you need any further help. All the best to your success.



Yes, it makes sense apart from the part about not promoting WA on our blogs. I can't see why someone clicking on my WA affiliate link after finding my blog on WA through a google search would be a problem. If I was Kyle or Carson, I'd be happy that people were promoting WA on their blogs here, especially as it helps people discover WA and sign up for it. I think promoting affiliate links, other than our WA affiliate links on WA, is frowned upon. Am I missing something? Otherwise, what's the point of posting blogs at all? To flex or keep a diary like a pre teen girl? It just takes away from the time I could be spending on my website.

Hello Dave

You don't need to use your WA blog if you don't want to and as I said before the purpose of your WA blog is for sharing your progress and experience with WA and your online business.

Take a look at my WA blog if you are still confused. The reason we don't promote WA on your WA blogs is because our WA blog posts are indexed and ranked on Google as you know and if someone joins after reading our blog posts we can still get referrals that way.

I know this because it has happened to other WA members who don't even promote WA. Once again you don't have to use your WA blog if you don't want to.

You don't have to use it as a diary and you can create your own tutorials and videos on your WA blog if you have experience with making money online but you must not promote anything.

I hope this helps you and makes sense. You are free to ask Kyle about your concerns as well if you need to. You can reach him PM or by leaving a message on his WA profile.

Kyle is also active in live chat everyday and you can talk to him on there to if he is online when you are.

I wish you good luck and all the best going forward. Let me know if you have any other questions or if you need any further help. All the best to your success.



Hi Dave just note that self-promotion is not allowed here, also this post would have been better on your website.

Please read the rules of WA and you will need to take your link off. There is a section here under follow me were you can post your website but not in a blog within WA.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I should have done better research on the rules.

no probs Dave now you have them you are more aware of what is and not allowed here.

Enjoy the rest of your week


Hello Andre

I don't think this is self premotion as it's just Dave's story but I do agree that it is more suitable for his website. I think it is perfect content for his about me page on his website.

Thank you for chiming in and pointing Dave in the right direction. We all make mistakes in the beginning and he now has the rules and information he needs to know for the future. All the best to your success.



Hi Timothy the original post was self-promotion as he had his website link and also asked for members to visit the site.

He has since changed that when I mentioned the rules otherwise I would have not mentioned about the self-promotion.

Just so you know


Hello Andre

Thank you for letting me know

I didn't know that as I only just saw the post at the time I commented.

Sorry I didn't mean to cause a problem. I was just sharing my thoughts. All the best to your success.



No probs Timothy just clarifying the facts.

Plus you will notice his blog states updated 4 hours ago and my comment was 5 hours ago which was shortly when his blog came out.

Plus he took the advice I gave him and posted his site in the correct place.

So kudos to Dave for doing the right thing compared to some who totally ignore members' advice.


Hello Andre

You're right and I now noticed the changes you mentioned. I'm also grateful that Dave did the right thing which is good to see. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week. All the best to your success.




You're welcome Andre

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