Thinking of dropping my website.


When I first got into WA I started out with the free 10 lessons and on lesson 4 started to build my niche website. Not long after that I decided to start the Boot Camp lessons and then setup my 'WA promotion' website (all with good intentions).

6 months on, I find that time has become precious and more limited to me and, that dividing what time I have between the two sites is having a negative effect on the content and frequency of publishing on both websites.

As I have put a lot of time and effort into both websites so far, and it is ripping me apart to be thinking of dropping one of the sites so that the other site will survive. The problem is, which site to drop. I LIKE BOTH - but I know if I keep both then they will both be mediocre at best, whereas, if I drop one then the other has a chance of becoming a stronger site because of the attention I can give it.

Any advice out there? Which site would you keep: Your niche site or your WA site?

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Which site is prone to make you money???

At the moment, none.

how is your traffic flow?
Are you promoting via social media manually? to and acquaintances?'

I do post stuff on Facebook but I don't want to be un-friended by family and friends for spamming them with WA stuff.

Leave one dormant, or limit new content on it to once a month, until you can get the other one going. One of the metrics in Google is the age of a domain. That does help. Later you can develop the one you've chosen to lay by.

Keeping the Bootcamp website active benefits you more than perhaps your niche site would, though that depends on the niche of course.

Since it is an authority site (or a developing one) the main benefit you have with choosing this one are the WA promotions PLUS any products that you find to be good and ethical, you can also promote. In this way, it provides a wider spectrum than a niche site would.

There is nothing wrong with reviewing a product, finding it good and then offering a choice between that one and WA. There are also products that can truly help alongside of WA. For most however, this is not the case since WA is so self-contained.

I think Kyle mentions this somewhere in the lessons, or has in one of the previous versions of the lessons.

Another way to look at this is which one you enjoy doing the most. In this way, you will likely get it going quicker than you would the other.

Of course, which site you choose is down to you, these things merely being suggestions. Everything I've said are things I'd do if it were me, therefore, what you think is best for yourself is the ultimate.

Hello, thanks for that input. To tell you the truth, my niche site is good but I prefer my WA site.

Also, going through two sets of lessons is quite time consuming too.

Hi Dillion, I found the same. I have two, one for WA and one that I started just a week ago. The second is my product niche and is what will likely make me the most money wise. So What I ended up deciding to do was to just ignore the WA site for now and get the other one going as I need to generate an income as quickly as possible. I would recommend not dropping the site, just put it on the back burner until the one you are going to stay with is up and goes to more of a routine maintenance status.

That way you can go back to the other. Hope this helps.

Hi, yes, I think I will do that. So now I will need to pick which one for which as I like both sites.

Hi I have two and find that one is dominant in terms of my time at the moment, whilst the other I keep ticking over slowly in the background.

The two sites don't have to progress at the same speed and it's not that they will be mediocre, just slower to develop and earn money from.

I have two sites one is fairly new I want to develop both of them so I have a schedule that delegates time for both one is promoting WA and the other is a wedding site. depending on what you other site is about you can make it evergreen this bit of training might help

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