Where have you been?

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Hi WA family.

Haven't been on for a while as much as I would like to be but I have had to upgrade my skills in my job as a Support Worker.

I have finally finished my Level 2 Certificate and first aid course. Yay me :)

Level 3 will begin shortly.

One thing I noticed is how much I miss being in the WA community. Hearing all about everyone and their progress, successes and frustrations.

Can anyone share how they balance out work, family and life please? lol

Much appreciated.

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I have another profession that takes me somewhat away from WA. Yes, I still work a full-time job. Well, I don't call it a job, I work for the State of Hawaii, but along with that my family life and a side job along with WA.

What is that, you ask?

This is not a normal job as one is used to, like working at a 7-11 store, or flipping burgers, etc. I do caricatures for parties.

A dying profession here in Hawaii, but I do it because I love it and not many people can or love to do it.

As to your great question, I simply find the time. I don 't follow a structured order. I just 'make the time, Diane.

My progress is somewhat slow, but I will not change the way I do things. For me it'll take time but I know in my heart I will get there.

Thank you for the question.


n my WA he

Thank you Frank. I love your vibe and flow easy. A beautiful reply and appreciated. Thank you :)

well i think everyone has a feeling Like that, and the style of spirit that can afford our hard work later

Yes indeed. The work is so worth it in the long term :)

I have out from the platform for some weeks, primarily wondering over many issues. Fondly missed the family on the platform so much. Lost quite a lot but hopeful to do my best. Welcome back friend!!

Hello my friend. Yes I missed the connection with the community too. But here we are back onboard :) hope all is well :)

Once here we got to pick back the pieces.

Welcome back !!!

Thank you John.
I appreciate that very much :)

Kia ora Di and I am not sure if this will help but here goes.
Balance can be so tricky with all life brings however sometimes saying No to some things frees up time for what we want to achieve and even if it is 1 hour each day dedicated to your personal success, then this is enough time to do something proactive for your online success.
People rely on you for many reasons but really take a look at how you can grab 1 hour just for you cos you deserve this :)

Vicki that is very helpful. Yes I definitely need to say No at times. It feels great to be back in the community again.
Right, I will put your suggestions into action.
Thank you very much :)

Its great to have you back and no is a good word to use :)
Success and all the best with balance Di

Prioritize is the key but I find it hard to follow ha ha .
I think bill gates said it best if you cant tell me what your selling in 2 minutes iam not interested in wasting my time .

Oooo I like that saying John. Wow there is quite a lot in those few words.
Thank you for sharing :)

Hey Di,
You have been missed, glad to hear you are doing well!
As far as your question, I just take care of what I feel is most important at the moment and just move on from there. Sometimes family HAS to take front seat and then there are other times when I can juggle everything just fine.

I know that is a vague answer but it's all I got!! Hope this helps.

Tried and True


Hi Elaine. Thank you for replying.I really appreciate your thoughts :) and it definitely did help :)

Diane, I just blogged about something similar today. You can go read it if you would like to.
I hope we both get good tips. Good luck.

Hi Marcia. I will definitely go check your's out today. All the best to you too :)

Thank you Diane.

I try to spend some times in each area, prioritize which deadlines are the most important, and keep the rest in perspective. You'll always want to work on everything more than you can, but family is forever - always make that the priority.

Very wise lady, Jeannine. Thank you for sharing. Family is forever. :)

And you are missed too. Happy to see you again.

Awww thank you. Its amazing how friendships are formed without even physically meeting :)
You are much appreciated.

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