Replace Amazon Images with AI?

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So, we are yet to resolve the ongoing issue of not being able to use Amazon images anymore.

Phil is doing his best to create training, but Amazon is being less than helpful!

Please don't bury your heads in the sand, and think this doesn't affect you.

If you are an Amazon affiliate and have any Amazon images or Text + Images on your website, then after December 31, they will no longer show, they will be broken links.

Which is going to make your site look very unprofessional!

One of the options that has been mentioned, is using AI to replace the images.

So, being a big fan of AI images, I thought I would have a go to see if it is possible.

Here are the results.

The top image is the original, and the one below is the AI version.

As you can see, we are off to a flying start!

Very impressive!

But then...

Still a decent image, but not an accurate representation.

And finally, a very definite failure, not the same at all.

Santa, are you listening? I really need these boots!

So, judging by the initial result, there is definitely potential for this to work.

I did only spend a few minutes trying this idea, so I may continue to experiment.

And I strongly suggest that if you do use these AI images, that you are upfront and state that they are not the actual product!

Let's see what you can do!

Have fun!

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Interesting indeed.

I would agree stating the image comes from AI is the way to go. I would even go so far as to blame Amazon for any differences.

Something like,

These images represent the product to the best of our ability. Actual images from Amazon have been banned from use on our websites. Please accept our apologies for any discrepancy.


I had a brief chat with Phil last night. I am concluding that Amazon would be unhappy if I paired their link with an official image that I uploaded from their site, but wouldn't say much about it if I kept it in a separate part of the article.

Unless I hear otherwise, I am ok with that. I have no sales yet so I can't use their API. Once I can I might try that.

Hi - you can't copy and paste or screenshot a product image from Amazon, if that is what you are planning.

Can I do it from the product website?

Not without permission from the manufacturer.

Now you see why it is such a problem!

Don't touch that dial!

YouTube have come up with a new policy concerning Ai images, voices, ect. effective date somewhere in 2024😂😂😂.

Seriously why won't these companies let us be great? As the young people say in my town. Just let me be great.

Hi - yes, I read this yesterday, but, I see this as being the key sentence :

"For example, this could be an AI-generated video that realistically depicts an event that never happened, or content showing someone saying or doing something they didn't actually do."

So, in other words, if you are manipulating footage, and pretending it's real.

Nice one, Diane!!

Those boots would sell if you could make them.

Now, where have we got to with 3D printers? Not quite up to this yet, I suspect, although I did see a toy 3D printer the other day - probably on Amazon.

Those pictures would also make great social media posts.

All the best,


Is Amazon trying to help or hurt its affiliates? One time, it decided to slash commission paid to its affiliate. As if that punishment is not enough, it is now barring its affiliates from using Amazon images on their websites come December 31. Tell me, how do you convince a prospective buyer to purchase a product he has not seen? Every would-be buyer wants to see an image of what they intend to buy before making the final decision.

This may or may not be helpful to some of you who have already investigated into this.

for this last site you click on tools pull down menu then click on product advertising api Under the “manage your credentials category” you can view your existing access keys or “Add Credentials” , and then download your keys using the “Download Credentials” option.

Fantastic! Thanks for the tip!

Hi - however, you can only use the API key, once you have hit their initial 3 sales target.

So. this is not a viable option for brand-new affiliates, unfortunately.

So i did all this and don't fully understand how to use these keys to obtain images from specific products. Please PM me if you know how! Thanks.

I unfortunately do not know how as I haven't had my 3 sales yet. I was just looking into what all i could find on amazon affiliate page. I do know that @phil1944 is working on a solution for this and plans to let everyone know once he is able to get some insight from amazon staff.

Thanks for the input, Diane, but the issue here is Amazon's tos.

They expressly forbid you to use any images to promote an Amazon product that is not provided by their code.

That code was being supplied by SiteStripe's Image or Text+Image but from December 31, must be by a call to their PA-API.

I doesn't matter whether it's a screenshot from the Amazon product page or AI-generated, you are not allowed to use it.

Thanks for the clarification, Phil.

So, how does that work if you have your own photo of the product, because you own it?

After all, that is what Google would prefer to see!

Sure. You can include your own image in a promo for the product, but don't attach an Amazon link to it.

Well, I wasn't suggesting that you add an Amazon link to the AI images there, a I know that's not permitted.

Just playing Devil's Advocate here, trying to find solutions for newbies who haven't met the sales target!

I did discover that I actually generated an API key 3 years ago, but I have no idea what to do with it, so I eagerly await your training, should you ever get a response from Amazon, lol.

Just posted another article, about Amazon (Lack of) Support.

Hi Diane

It just so happens that I have been experimenting with some of the same concepts (great Rock N' Roll minds think alike! Lol). 😎

As you demonstrated in your post, one problem is that creating or modifying product images with AI is not reliably reproducible enough to be time-efficient.

The other issue is that we don't actually know what Amazon would find acceptable for images. Will they only accept image or text plus image representations generated by their new format?

I don't think they could stop me from using a photo I took of a guitar amplifier in my music studio or at the Guitar Center in a product review article.

I wonder if a composite image using a standardized compatible background without an Amazon link would be acceptable.

For example, for a product review of a guitar amp, could I create an image doing the following:?

1. Use AI (DALL-E 3) to generate the standardized compatible background of a recording studio (attached image 1).
2. Modify the guitar amplifier in Canva Pro using the "Retro" filter (image 2).
3. Combine the two images and adjust the lighting to create image 3.

A "text-only" Amazon affiliate link could direct the buyer to the appropriate page.

So, I could use the same image 1 to display all my products and give them a consistent (more professional) appearance, which would be more time-efficient.

What do you think?

Rock On! 🤘
Frank 🎸

As I mentioned to Maria, I can't see how Amazon could have a problem with it, provided you don't add the Amazon text link to the image, to make it clickable.

You are simply adding an illustration to your post.

I very seldom used Amazon's Image or image + text options, which will save me a lot of work.

Over 90% of their clickable affiliate links are text only. 😎

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