New Year Resolution.NOW?

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Come on, it's NOT January!

I know it's not January, although the year is speeding by. But I was just thinking of those resolutions people make, and break, as the New Year rolls in. Maybe you made some, too?

I admit, I usually make some to myself each year. Some I actually keep! 😂

But why can't we declare a "new resolution" any day of the year?

The truth is, successful people do just that.

When we begin our sites, we make promises to ourselves.

You might promise to write at least once a week or maybe once a day. Maybe it's a promise to do more research.

As you progress, you add to those promises. Some you keep. Some you revise. Others might end up forgotten.

So why not make them true resolutions?

Today I resolve to....

....get back on my writing schedule regularly on my social media

...research topics for future articles at least once a week

...check out my competition once a week

...or whatever else you resolve to do

I have found that such promises to myself actually improve my progress.

They keep me on track. I tend to follow rabbit trails all too often. Having my resolutions, along with my mini goals and future goals, helps me get back on track faster.

As a side benefit, I find these resolutions also give me a chance to re-evaluate my path more frequently. And it is easier to make changes when needed.

For me, that helps work toward my successes, small or large.

Do you make such resolutions, even as August nears a close?

Maybe it's a good idea to visit those promises to ourselves once a month. Or is once a week better?

What are your thoughts?

I'd love to hear your resolutions and ideas on the subject!


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Mine is to be a CNA before the end of this year, make money, and save money for many things.

The secret to keeping a resolution (as you know) is to take the steps and MAKE it happen!

God Bless!

That's precisely what i am doing :)

Thats funny! I quit making New Years resolutions about 20 years ago because I realized that I was starting my year with a lie. So now I wait until about June to start making promises to myself. Then by Christmas I get what I deserve -- Coal! I like this post!

hahaha... and THAT is why I call them promises and I continue to check on my progress. It's too easy to forget....

Have a wonderful weekend!

Best of luck! Have a great week. Blessings!

Thank you!

Love this. I have never been one to make resolutions, and when I have, they never were goals that were met. I have just gone for goals as they were present in my head, and started on them now.

People tend to procrastinate the idea of "getting better" or "improving their situation". I am not sure why anyone would want to delay this.

Excellent post, and something that everyone should read and apply!

That's true. I consider my resolutions to be promises to myself. But I am human so I keep a checklist and make sure I keep those promises. Most of the time (not always) it does help.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Hi Diane!

I agree! I think a resolution outside of January 1st is probably more likely to be achieved. Those January resolutions are often made out of duty rather than actual sincerity.

I think monthly resolutions are a great way to go! With the list in hand, use a calendar to set a schedule and go to work.

That can also be a way to achieve a much larger long-term resolution.

Press on, Diane!

Yes, the monthly check in helps me stay on track. Sometimes I think I'm my own worst employee 😂

ha ha, very good Diane.
What's this, resolution number 200.
It never hurts to make your mind up about something new.
Take care.

Thanks, Bux. Yes, I keep adding to those promises, too. But I need to keep my momentum!

Have a great weekend, my friend.

And you Diane. Enjoy the weekend too.
Just off to a music festival.

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