More of Life's Hurdles.

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That's what it feels like today.

I'm not complaining, but maybe just venting a little (please forgive the vent)

Today is a bit more difficult to put much into my sites. Oh, I have been working on them. But I am trying to focus on the sites while Fire sleeps rather peacefully next to me. Remember I said she had some problems?

The vet called with the biopsy results and it is carcinoma lung cancer. Thankfully, it's primary and doesn't look like it has spread yet. That's the good news.

Unfortunately, it may be too close to her trachea to allow for successful surgery. "MAY BE" is an important point here. We are scheduled for a CT scan in a couple of weeks (soonest available) and from there they will decide if surgery is an option. So I'm still hopeful. And Fire is still happily at my side as I work on my sites.

I'm only getting half as much done as I'd like. But half is better than none.

And that's the point I'd like to make today.

Sometimes life throws hurdles. They may even become a mountain you need to climb. And that's ok. Jump or climb. Take a break when you need. But...


A break should not become permanent. It's just a time to catch your breath, take a mental nap, or maybe even a physical nap.

Use that to come back with even more determination and a renewed sense of "I can do this!"

Today was not quite a wash for me. But it certainly wasn't the productive day I had planned. Tomorrow might not be, either. I hope it is, but if I need to take Fire out for ice cream, then I will set up her car seat and away we'll go! We might even take the Golden Boys, Charlie and Bolt, with us.

We have more memories to make!

But then, I'll regroup. My plans are not lost, they are just resting a bit.

Do you ever take a break before jumping those hurdles?

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Sorry to hear of your dilemma there Diane, I wish young Fire all the best.

Sometimes life throws these curveballs at us, it's good to take a step back and think about what our priorities are, our online businesses will be there when it's time to return.

Wishing you all the best my friend.

Thank you, Nick. I appreciate your kind words.

Much appreciated Diane, I hope all is well today.

Given how much I love animals, I fully understand your emotional state. Sometimes they become part of the family so quickly that any thought of losing them can hurt us. Sometimes, you get into a situation where you just sit and keep quiet and they seem to understand everything. There is no better therapy. I hope everything will be okay and I believe it will. I want you to believe that everything will be fine with her, because what our thoughts are, such is our life. You have my support, as does Fire.

Thank you for your kind words. Yes, our furkids provide much needed emotional support. They are trusted members of our family.

I am going into this with a positive attitude, as much for Fire's attitude as it is to help me. She needs to think it's going to be ok, too.

My heart is with you Diane. My brother's cat fell off a tall bookcase one day. He heard a loud thud. The cat started walking only in circles after that, always. Brain aneurism or something. My brother poured a few thousand in therapies, checkups, meds, and ended up feed him by hand for 6 months before he eventually died.

We love our pets as family and it really hurts when they die. He has been this loving towards pets for as long as I remember and he will literally give them mouth to mouth if it came to that. It's really sad because I can see the hurt in him, and there's nothing I can do.


I feel the same way you do. My cat "Little Bear" was my best friend of all time. All my cats are precious to me. Bear had a stroke and died in a week. It was a total shock to me, and like you said, I would have administered mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to bring if I could have saved him. Believe it or not, my ex-husband had a friend who gave mouth-to-mouth to a buzzard. I'm not kidding! I laughed so hard I almost died! The guy is hilarious, and he meant every word of it. Our pets are some of most wonderful friends we'll ever have. Love to know you're a fellow pet lover. :)

Now that's a picture I would have like to see-- mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a buzzard!
But yes, my furkids, like yours, are family. Like you and so many here at WA, I am truly a pet lover.
Thank you, Denise.

For those of us that believe our furkids are family, there is nothing to say or do when something happens to them. It's the same mourning process that we go through when a human family member passes.

Thank you for your kind words, Trent. It is good to know that there are other pet lovers here on WA.

A Buzzard?! WHAT?? Was it a pet of his? How does one give MTM with a big bird? OMG, wow. Yeah, that would have caught me off-guard. Keep checking on my site from time to time to give any input. Trying to figure out widgets right now. Thanks for the nice post(s).

I sympathize with you regarding Fire’s diagnosis. I just hope she doesn’t suffer. I had a toy male Pomeranian (Mutt-Mutt) who had trachea collapse issues that prevented the vet from doing any surgery (after his neuter surgery) or teeth cleaning. The vets informed my late husband and myself that he could not tolerate the tubing during his routine teeth cleaning, so they bought him out of it and he didn’t get his teeth cleaned. They didn’t charge us for the cost because of that. We were grateful for that. He did live a long 15 (almost 16) human years with us. We did have to put him down due to seizures, from old age. It was hard to deal with that. I hope with everything, you can keep Fire comfortable and spend time with her as much as possible and that it doesn’t cost you a lot of money for vet care.

Yes, the toy furkids are prone to trachea issues, including collapse. My plan is to find the safest treatment for her to ensure the best and happiest time possible.
Vet costs are not cheap, of course, but I am thankful to have some of the best cancer vets in the country so near to us.
Thank you for the kind comments, Brenda.

One of the best benefits of working online is the flexibility. We can take the time we need, when we need it, This is one of those times. While the future is uncertain, today is certain and so is tomorrow. So fill those days with snuggles and treats and walks and everything you love to do together.

We all lose our fur babies much sooner than we wish, and yours may be even sooner, but putting the most value into each day makes it all worth it, even if the time is shorter than we'd hoped for.

Hugs and prayers that there's something which can be done.

I really cannot say very much after such a lovely response.

That's so true, Jeannine. I am thankful that I have so much time each day with all my furkids. Fire has been with me since birth (her Mom was my son's dog).

Thank you so much for the hugs and prayers!

Yes, indeed, Hugh.

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