Slight confusion..


I am quite sure this has been asked multiple times, but I am already in what you call overload mode.LOL. Need a bit of hand holding. What are the differences between Post, Pages and categories? I have a slight grasp, but not a very firm one, do my post refer to the pages? and do my posts just go under categories by the titles of my posts? I could just be making this seem more confusing than it really is. Thanks in advance,

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Daneda, just so you know, I was confused my pages and posts as well. I'm not confused any more, it actually makes sense. I couldn't have explained it as well a Nathaniell or Viola, but you have an answer.

My topics in my header are now Pages. My articles are now Posts that go into Categories in my sidebar. I added three posts today, my most productive day to date. One month ago I didn't know a page from a post.

Don't ever be afraid to ask for help. There's literally folks here chomping at the bit wanting to help. Make them happy. ;^)

Thanks Phil I have been running across some things so i will absolutely be asking more of my fair share of questions.

Here is a training I made on this topic:

Pages are like the basic structure of your site, and posts are where you will publish articles on a regular basis.

Categories are just a way to organize your posts. They aren't "vital" but can be used for a few different things like like allowing people to view all posts under one category:

Hope this helps!

Thanks Nathanell will go check it out really appreciate the help.

Hi Deneda. Pages are what you would see in your website's menu bar. Like your About Me page, privacy policy page, etc. When you click on it, it will take you to a different page. A post is each individual article that you write. Gonna use my site as an example here: My latest post was "best walking sandals for women". When you publish a new post, it will go on your home page. You can place your posts into categories. For example, I can put my latest post in the "fashion" category. This way, people can find the page easily. In my case, I also combined my pages and my categories so they are the same thing. Hope this helps!

yes thank you very much. I thought that was the way it worked but just wanted to make sure,,, Again thank you so much

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