About dejeanaxel
Rank 18724
1,356 followers Joined December 2015
Hi Guys, My name is Axel but please call me Santiago. Born in France, I moved to the UK with my mother who had already settled





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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Have you established the above for your online business?

Do you feel it is necessary?

How does/would it affect your business?

Could you please offer support

hmm hi Axel,

Did you find what is the vision, mission, and business objective? I need to know as well :)

Mission, vision, and values are developed by the business owner - they don't come from anywhere else and are not a simple formula. They are developed by YOU as the business owner, you don't find out from somewhere else, you establish those things.

hahah.. hahah.. sorry lol. I miss read his axel's post.

I was trying to find the mission, vision, and business objective statement of Wealthy Affiliate. I thought that was the question he is asking in this thread.

Thanks for the advice onmyownterms and sorry dejeanaxel for the confusion.

You're welcome.

Hi Axel,
I did a training for our network marketing team on Visualization last year, I hope there is something in the message that will help you.

I wish you success

Thanks Bruce. Likewise to you.
Sincerely, Axel.

Hi Axel

In my opinion vision comes with a passion for an idea. That passion then drives you to explain your vision to others. I would advise that you try to pitch your idea to family and friends before trying to get it down in writing. That way you will find out what works and what doesn't. Once you have a pitch which works write it on your site in the same conversational way. What you've written reads well but is too impersonal.


This makes sense Justin thank you.
I acknowledge your point, my passion is to travel; for my life to be fulfilled I need to travel, expose myself to life's emotions and make the world my comfort zone. These are my personal objectives.
In the businesses vision & mission I want to inspire my readers - by being an example of someone who is pursuing his dreams - to choose life: pursue their passions/purpose whatever it means for them.

Without a Vision one might as well start driving down the road blind folded. You need to have some concept of where your going and what one wants to accomplish.

without knowing where your going or why is like a baby trying to find what Life is about.

Business Objective is like a road map that assists one to reach a destination at the end of their RainBow and with out it your shooting in the dark helping neither your self nor Family or any one, kind of like just wondering in the dark!

This is very helpful Brady thanks very much for your support & comment! Have a dynamic weekend!

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Vision, mission, business objectives for internet business?

Vision, mission, business objectives for internet business?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Have you established the above for your online business?

Do you feel it is necessary?

How does/would it affect your business?

Could you please offer support

hmm hi Axel,

Did you find what is the vision, mission, and business objective? I need to know as well :)

Mission, vision, and values are developed by the business owner - they don't come from anywhere else and are not a simple formula. They are developed by YOU as the business owner, you don't find out from somewhere else, you establish those things.

hahah.. hahah.. sorry lol. I miss read his axel's post.

I was trying to find the mission, vision, and business objective statement of Wealthy Affiliate. I thought that was the question he is asking in this thread.

Thanks for the advice onmyownterms and sorry dejeanaxel for the confusion.

You're welcome.

Hi Axel,
I did a training for our network marketing team on Visualization last year, I hope there is something in the message that will help you.

I wish you success

Thanks Bruce. Likewise to you.
Sincerely, Axel.

Hi Axel

In my opinion vision comes with a passion for an idea. That passion then drives you to explain your vision to others. I would advise that you try to pitch your idea to family and friends before trying to get it down in writing. That way you will find out what works and what doesn't. Once you have a pitch which works write it on your site in the same conversational way. What you've written reads well but is too impersonal.


This makes sense Justin thank you.
I acknowledge your point, my passion is to travel; for my life to be fulfilled I need to travel, expose myself to life's emotions and make the world my comfort zone. These are my personal objectives.
In the businesses vision & mission I want to inspire my readers - by being an example of someone who is pursuing his dreams - to choose life: pursue their passions/purpose whatever it means for them.

Without a Vision one might as well start driving down the road blind folded. You need to have some concept of where your going and what one wants to accomplish.

without knowing where your going or why is like a baby trying to find what Life is about.

Business Objective is like a road map that assists one to reach a destination at the end of their RainBow and with out it your shooting in the dark helping neither your self nor Family or any one, kind of like just wondering in the dark!

This is very helpful Brady thanks very much for your support & comment! Have a dynamic weekend!

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

This is for a Bootcamp website. The aim is to use the metaphor of growing a seed into a tree which bears fruit.

Here is the homepage:

I would preferably go for anything without dashes.

This is recurrent in the posts, thanks in advance!

Don't forget to run your options through the keyword tool

Could you elaborate on its importance and how it can be used effectively to increase traffic through domain name choice?

On your page you will be targeting a keyword or two so that the search engines will find and like you. If you talk about the seed to forest, which is a great concept, you will need to see if anyone is looking for that. If your keyword is in the page and also the url, it score you more points in as far as being a relevant site to rank on that keyword search.

Thanks for the detailed explanation.
I thought you were referring to using the keyword tool to choose the domain name?

Excellent ! We all can take the above criteria to conceptualize the
appropriate domain name.

Glad you like it!

Great concept!

I dig the second and 4th.

Like Hawkeye said definitely no to the dashes as per our training.

seed to forest...again, great concept!

Thanks so much
there are two other suggestions:
Thanks in any case in advance for sharing!

Oooo I love these more!

And , you're welcome! It's my pleasure...I love brainstorming!


I like this one also.
seedtoforestbusiness.com ?

The third one is the one I like the best.

Other suggestions are
Thanks for your support!

I would avoid hyphenated domain names if at all possible. Say the name as you're giving it to folks, and you'll see what I mean. As of right now, plantyourfortune.com is available

Ok for the hyphens.
A friend said the idea of fortune in the domain name reminded made the site lose credibility and she associated it with a scam website.
plantyourbusiness.com is also available

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Domain name please help me choose?

Domain name please help me choose?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

This is for a Bootcamp website. The aim is to use the metaphor of growing a seed into a tree which bears fruit.

Here is the homepage:

I would preferably go for anything without dashes.

This is recurrent in the posts, thanks in advance!

Don't forget to run your options through the keyword tool

Could you elaborate on its importance and how it can be used effectively to increase traffic through domain name choice?

On your page you will be targeting a keyword or two so that the search engines will find and like you. If you talk about the seed to forest, which is a great concept, you will need to see if anyone is looking for that. If your keyword is in the page and also the url, it score you more points in as far as being a relevant site to rank on that keyword search.

Thanks for the detailed explanation.
I thought you were referring to using the keyword tool to choose the domain name?

Excellent ! We all can take the above criteria to conceptualize the
appropriate domain name.

Glad you like it!

Great concept!

I dig the second and 4th.

Like Hawkeye said definitely no to the dashes as per our training.

seed to forest...again, great concept!

Thanks so much
there are two other suggestions:
Thanks in any case in advance for sharing!

Oooo I love these more!

And , you're welcome! It's my pleasure...I love brainstorming!


I like this one also.
seedtoforestbusiness.com ?

The third one is the one I like the best.

Other suggestions are
Thanks for your support!

I would avoid hyphenated domain names if at all possible. Say the name as you're giving it to folks, and you'll see what I mean. As of right now, plantyourfortune.com is available

Ok for the hyphens.
A friend said the idea of fortune in the domain name reminded made the site lose credibility and she associated it with a scam website.
plantyourbusiness.com is also available

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