My Love Affair With AI

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Yep! I am in love. As I slowly approach my one-year anniversary at Wealthy Affiliates, I am in awe of all the changes that have happened in such a short space of time. I feel immensely fortunate to have been here to see the changeover to AI-assisted writing.

When I joined, we were doing everything "manually" with fabulous step-by-step guides. I was creating content and I felt accomplished. A few months later, walked in this knight in shining armour. AI-assisted writing. With a proper introduction from Kyle and the team and a lot of experimenting, it was now time to see with this bad-boy can do.

In January of this year, it hit me that I should not be wasting those monthly credits. Since then, I have been maxing out those credits and drafting articles to be returned to later for publishing. Although it takes roughly 1000 words to spit out a decent-length article, when I am down to the 100s of word credit I use those up for outlines of articles to come. I am not wasting a minute with my new companion.

With AI-assisted writing, it is truly like having a companion to lean on. I can be myself, using the outline to add my voice and experience. AI then takes what I input, research, and suggests to create a read-worthy article. The woman in me of course always finds something to fix. And I have no problem with that.

Every love affair has its disagreements. My pet peeve at the moment is the repetition of slang and phrases. "Resonate", "not one size fits all", "perfection" and "transform" - are a few of the examples repeated in many AI-assisted articles. This, however, is a small price to pay for the savings in organization and time. I can simply edit or chop those out. Quick and easy.

I do hope you are taking full advantage of your word credits here within WA.

What are your AI stories?


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Interesting about the words that people find that duplicate. I'm not sure I have seen the words you are seeing in dupes.

Hmmm.... maybe I need to check that. I'm always rewriting sentences to make them be more like me.

Thanks, Dee!


Hi Dee

You’re using AI assistance the right way! πŸ‘

Keep up the great work. 😎

Frank 🎸

Thank you, Frank!
Aiming to get even better at it as I progress.

Excellent plan, Dee! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

Frank 🎸

I personally love AI Dee,and when used correctly it saves me heaps of time that I would otherwise waste when researching topics to write about!

But... it is just another tool and should always be used aa that!!

All the very best moving forward my friend! :-)

The time saving is my most favourite part!

Me too, Dee!

It gives me more guitar playing time! 😎😎

Frank 🎸

We can certainly be more productive and have more fun with the time saved Dee!! :-)

How did I know you would say that Frank???

It gives me more time to try out different exotic cocktail recipes!!


Haha, I see you're making the most of AI time savings, Nick, like I knew that you would! πŸ‘πŸ‘ 😎

Cheers to our extra fun time, courtesy of AI! Lol πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Absolutely Frank!

Cheers and Rock On!!



Rock on, Nick! 🀘⚑️🀘

Frank 🎸🍻🍹🎸


Rock On Frank!!


Hi Dee_J, I am not quite in love with AI. I am not wild about its repetitive output words. As you say words such as "resonate," "change your approach," and "don't worry so much." All of those I remove. I must edit and add my research, voice, and personality to my writing. I prefer my writing. I do agree that the AI Author is helpful in some ways. I run out of it pretty quickly. I've learned to use four sections now, and then I can do the rest of the writing myself. As you mentioned, it's a simple process to "edit and chop them out." I ran out already, so I need to wait 12 more days. I will have to change to maybe less than four because it takes too many credits away, and then I have nothing left. I will have gaps in my posting. That's not good either.

Thank you. I am liking your approach to use less and add more of your own. Did not think about this saving words! That's brilliant.
Agreed. The repetitive words and phrases are a bit much.

I hope to reach your level one day and love my own writing more :)

Sure, you're welcome. πŸ˜€

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