The Joy is in the Journey.


The "Journey" is beginning for all of us that are joining Wealthy Affiliates. Now we must "carpi deim" ……seize the day. We have all started the journey of a lifetime. One that will result in what we make of the opportunity. As Kyle and Carson reiterate over and over, this is not a get rich quick business. Nothing of value comes without a price. That may be one that each of us is willing to pay. If so we will realize the reward that comes with achieving that goal. Be the goal large or small. We must keep our eye on the end result. That end result may not be exactly what we thought it would be. It may be more or it could be less. Just learn from the journey and adjust it as time goes by. Always be striving. At times it will seem impossible, reach out for support [sound familiar]. Never stop moving forward. Even if it means taking a few steps back to evaluate which direction to go. Consider your options and preserve.

I will leave you with a quote of Calvin Coolidge: "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not, nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not, unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not, the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination are omnipotent. The slogan, "press on" has solved and always will solve problems of the human race."

Lets all "soar on eagles wings" to reach the limits of the sky.


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Recent Comments


Thank you Doyle for the motivational message.

Jeff - - anything I am able to do let me know. I do have a great deal to learn.


Words of wisdom Sir, I think a writer like yourself will do just great. Congrats again, you've got this.

THX .....

Beautiful Doyle, thank you :)

Thank you Jude. Here is to our shared "Joy"....

Great post, thanks for sharing.

My Pleasure...............

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